Page 6 of Bren: The Getaway

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Her soft voice eases the building tension inside me. “No, I’m good.” I smile back at her.

“Sir, would you like another drink?” My spine bolts straight, because how many fucking times does the sly fucker need to ask me when it’s clear I have one in front of me.

“I’m good,” I snap back.

“How about your daughter?”

My body tightens.

“Would you like one, beautiful?”

Oh no he fucking didn’t.

Before I know it, I’m springing from my chair, sending it flying to the floor with a loud clang, making all the customers stare in our direction.

I clench my fists and watch in glee as the fucker’s face mars with shock. His mouth opens and his eyes widen as he walks backward while I stalk toward him.

He backs up against the restaurant doors, and I snap my arm out to grip his slimy throat, pushing him through the exit.

Once outside, I grin like a deranged Cheshire cat while the sly fucker’s body trembles beneath my hand. His lips move as though he’s trying to speak.

“You so much as look in my girl’s direction again and I’ll kill you.” I glare at him. “Do you understand me?” I tilt my head to the side, enjoying the terror on the little shit’s face.

He tries to nod but my tight hold on him makes it difficult.

“Give me your hand.” His eyes protrude even more but then I press on his pulse point, meaning he has no choice but to comply.

Taking his wrist in my palm, I snap it back. His whole body tenses and a choked wail catches in his throat as the cracking pierces through the sea breeze.

“Keep your hands and eyes away from us.”

I release him.

He gasps as he crumbles to the floor, and he shakes and pants like a fucking virgin in a whorehouse, making me roll my eyes at his dramatics.

The door behind me opens, and I turn to find Sky. Her hair floats in the breeze, her blue eyes latch onto mine, taking my breath away. She glances down at the limp dick on the ground, who appears to have gone into some sort of shock. “What happened?”

“He tripped, baby. Clumsy little fucker.”

Her face is etched in concern. “Should we tell someone?”

I wave my hand toward the doors. “Someone already knows. Come on, baby. Let’s go for a walk.”



We walk hand in hand across the shoreline. The sunsetting in the distance reminds me of our honeymoon and the way Sky walked down the aisle with Sam in her stomach and Seb on her hip. A pang hits me in the chest when I think of our boys. How the hell I can miss them after less than twenty-four hours away is hard to comprehend.

“You ready to go back to the room?”


“You missing the boys?”

“I’m okay.” She turns and faces me with a soft smile gracing her face. Bending down, I push the strand of hair from her mouth and take her lips in mine.

In the distance, our song “It’s You I’ve Been Looking For” by Lewis Brice plays out, and I know the moment she hears it because she smiles against my lips. I hold her chin in place as we kiss through the song with my palm on her ass, and we make out to the music that cemented us.
