Page 8 of Darling Dmitri

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She shook her head slowly. “It’s not what I want. Not anymore.”

“What is it you want, Little One?” my father asked, with a look of concern. I swear, if Sorina said she wanted to be a Disney princess and live in a palace, Arty would do anything within his power to buy Disney World for her. It was fucking exasperating on so many levels how he was willing to give her anything she desired. However, my train of thought wasn’t rational of late when it came to her.

“I want to attend high school like he does.” She whisked her fork in my direction. “And go to parties. Make friends. Live a normal teenage life, you know?” She glanced at me and quirked her lips. “Cheer for my brother at his football games.” She stood up with her half-empty plate in hand and turned toward the kitchen. “Just a small-town Romanian girl who wants to live the American dream.” She whisked away from us and deposited her plate in the sink and started washing her dish. Everything she said seemed calculated, as though it was dialogue she’d practiced beforehand.

My father tapped me on the arm. “Talk to her.”

“About?” I raised my brows.

“She is upset. Can you not see it?” he whispered quickly as the water shut off and the clank of the dish hit the dishwasher rack.

“Why don’t you talk to her?”

He sighed in exasperation. “I’ve tried, but I’m not getting through to her. I can’t stand to see her like this.”

I didn’t like it either, but I’d never admit it. I didn’t like how, lately, I thought about Sorina in a different light. Thought about her more times than I should. I glanced at him, hoping he’d see what my look meant:Try harder. She’s your responsibility.

He reiterated his sentiment with a stern look:Talk to her.

Sorina—Age 16

I aimlessly pressed the down arrow button on my remote as a mixture of sports, news stations, reality TV, movies, and cooking station video fragments rolled in front of my eyes. My finger barely paused enough to see what the hell was going on, and I really had no interest, anyway. Lately, nothing mattered. I felt bored, isolated, and I knew I couldn’t sit around and wallow in self-pity anymore. I hated that paralyzing feeling.I hated what he did.

You are worthless.

You look like a fat cow.

Get back on the beam.

Do it again.



You will never make it to the Olympics at this rate.

You are not hurt.

Stop faking an injury.



Much better.

Now, let me give you a massage.

Let me reward you.

My eyes clenched shut, trying to block out the noise. I felt like a failure—my hopes and dreams were once again dashed before my eyes. At least, that’s how I felt. As much as I was trying to adjust to my newfound situation, all I felt was alone. I couldn’t go back and train for him. It left a bad taste in my mouth, and I was losing all sense of myself. I stared blankly at the TV and felt a tear trail down my cheek. I angrily swiped it away.Don’t ever allow another tear to fall again, I told myself. I swore to shove any more memories aside and move on with my life, if only for my sanity.

I blew out an unsteady breath as I heard a tap on my door, and it opened before I could speak. Dmitri passed through the entrance, closing it quietly behind him.

“Do you always barge into someone’s room without permission?”

He gazed down at me with his usual cool look of indifference. “I did knock.” He took a few steps closer to my bed.
