Page 63 of From No to O

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As if writing about sex and relationship problems all day isn’t draining enough, counseling Cami sure is.

“Cam, your husband joined agym. That absolutely, unequivocally, does not mean he’s doing it to attract another woman,” I say for the tenth time that night.

She sips her espresso martini and waves the waiter over for another. This has the potential to be a long night.

She takes a nibble on her already-bitten nails. “No. No, I’m sure I’m right. It’s over between us. He didn’t even notice my haircut last week.”

OhGod. This again.

“That’s because you onlygot your bangs trimmed.”

She avoids my gaze so she doesn’t have to admit I might be right. At times like this, Cami wants to be right, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else says. “Maybe. But that’s not all.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, grimacing when she chugs the rest of her first martini so she can get going on the second.

Never a good idea.

She leans closer and lowers her voice. “He’s started… cooking.”


The confusion on my face must be saying it all because she immediately jumps on the defensive.

“Ava, you know how he likes to eat out. Why would he be learning to cook? Unless it’s to impress another woman.”

This time I roll my eyes. I don’t care if I piss her off.

“Cam,” I say carefully, “you know I love you. But I think you are being ridiculous and you have to let this paranoia go. I mean, have you discussed any of this with him?”

She looks around sheepishly. “I have… brought it up.”

“And what did he say?” I ask.

“Pretty much the same as you,” she says after a long sigh. “He swears he loves me more than the day we got married and says he’ll do anything I want to prove it to me.”

And there we have it. The man is madly in love, for some reason, with his crazy wife, and not even her paranoid suspicions can drive him away.

Why do the lucky people not know how good they have it? What I wouldn’t give for a guy who worships the ground I walk on like Cami’s husband does her.

Maybe my own luck is changing?

Even so, it sure was fun setting the guys up with that obscure sports trivia night. Sort of got even with Jasper for writing that article about the Knicks and me. Sort of.

On one hand, I’m sleeping with—dare I say dating?—the three most gorgeous men I’ve ever laid eyes on. For some inexplicable reason, they want to hang out with me even beyond the pity fucks they’d planned so I could actually, finally, have my Big O. I mean, it’s kind of remarkable these guys are still coming around, even after they accomplished their goal.

So, that’s all good.

But the truth is, as hard as it is to ignore the sparks, I can’t get involved with these guys, at least not any more than I already have, and in fact need to bring a halt to where things are right now.

First off, I can’t date three guys. That just doesn’t happen.

Second, if I choose one, what does that mean for the others? And their friendship?

And last, not to say that I’m perfect or anything, but each guy has some sort of issue that will certainly keep him from being the kind of partner I need. There’s Jasper and his man-whore tendencies, even if he has temporarily cleaned it up, Ethan’s grumpy moodiness, and Leo’s never-ending need to prove himself through work.

These guys are not available for what I want, and if there’s one thing I learned from the loser ex, it’s that if you’re not getting what you want from the get-go, then waste no time and cut those damn ties.

Bottom line is, I can’t let this go any further.
