Page 27 of Wild Spirit

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Yvonne wasn’t sure she bought that. Three years was a long time. And for the first time, she found herself questioning whether or not Leo was truly over Denise.

Leo narrowed his eyes. “It doesn’t have anything to do with Denise.”

“Then what?”

“Exactly what I said. I can’t do a relationship. I’m committed to keeping Vince and Clint together. I can’t split those boys up, and I can’t see a way to add a woman to that equation. My living situation isn’t exactly normal.”

She rolled her eyes. “You have some serious hang-ups about what’s ‘normal.’ Besides, you’re preaching to the choir. I know all about your living situation and the boys. Hell, it was my idea for you and Ryder to raise them together.”

“I made a commitment to them, and a promise to myself that I wouldn’t date until they were older. The timing on this is wrong.”

“Fine. It’s wrong. Bad timing. Dating is totally overrated anyway. We’ll just fuck, exactly the way you described.”

Leo barked out a laugh and the heaviness on his face vanished for good, his smile firmly in place even as he said, “God. I need you to be serious for a second.”

“That’s the last thing you need. Your life is serious enough. So here’s another secret to a happy life…laugh more.”

Her quick response took him aback for a minute, but Leo wasn’t the type to get knocked down. Just off-balance. “Vonnie, I shouldn’t have come tonight, shouldn’t have kissed you.”

“Then why did you?”


Leo didn’t have it in him to lie, and she knew he’d probably never spoken truer words than those. He was further along on that second piece of advice than he realized.

But what he didn’t get was there was more to it than exhaustion, and until he figured that out, he wasn’t going to pursue what was happening between them.

“If you get tired again, I don’t mind the kisses. They’re pretty hot.”

He grinned, even as he said, “I’m sorry for the mixed signals.”

Yvonne knew Leo well enough to know he wasn’t going to stop feeling guilty for coming over or for kissing her, because in his mind, he truly didn’t see this going any further.

And though she was definitely reserving the right to try to convince him to take a chance later, she’d let him off the hook for now. She needed to gather her thoughts, figure out her next move. Aunt Riley could help her with that.

No. Actually, what she needed immediately was fifteen minutes with her vibrator. Jesus, maybe thirty. She was at critical mass on the horny scale.

Then, she’d map a course with Riley tomorrow.

Leo sighed. “I should go.”

Before he could step away from her, she grasped his hand. “We’re still friends, right?”

Deep creases lined his forehead as he frowned. “Of course we are. Always.”

“Okay. Good. Then you’re not allowed to avoid me.”

One look at his face told her that while he wasn’t sure where they were going from here, Leo had indeed intended to lay low for a while.

“Promise me,” she pressed. “No matter what happens, the friendship remains and you don’t start playing hide-and-seek. I’ve gotten kind of used to your grumpy ass.”

“I promise. No hiding, no avoiding.” He sealed that vow with a platonic kiss on the cheek that she hated. Then he turned and walked toward his car in the parking lot.

Yvonne watched as he drove away, not quite ready to go inside and deal with Finn’s and Miguel’s inquisition. They were no doubt both dying of curiosity about her “date” with Leo.

People came and went, waving as they entered or exited the pub, but she didn’t give up her post on the wall, simply letting the world move around her.

