Page 30 of Wild Spirit

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“I’m glad to see you taking some time for yourself. You don’t do that enough.”

Leo wondered how Lochlan would feel if he found out he wasn’t here for a break, but for Yvonne.

Actually, he was certain Lochlan wouldn’t mind Leo asking Yvonne out at all. At least not until he recalled Leo’s penchant for bondage, something they’d discussed one night after a few too many bourbons at a friend’s bachelor party.

Then his friend might have a few words to say.

“Yvonne has been telling me the same thing, so tonight I thought I’d give it a try, see if this relaxation thing everyone raves about is all it’s cracked up to be.”

Lochlan slapped him on the back. “It really is good to see you. I’m sorry we haven’t had a chance to go to a game together or meet for a beer.”

Leo smiled. “We’re both old family guys now. But I wouldn’t mind catching a Ravens game with you when the season starts back up, if you think you can get away one Sunday afternoon. Ryder can get us pretty good seats.”

“It’s a plan.”

He and Lochlan said their goodbyes, then Leo resumed his seat and picked up his beer. He glanced toward the closed door that led to the Collins Dorm. He’d seen Yvonne’s car in the parking lot, so she was clearly upstairs.

“You waiting for someone to come down?” Padraig asked, leaning on the counter in front of him.

Leo shook his head. “No. Just me tonight.” He glanced toward the door again.

“Yvonne is the only one home, if you were wondering,” Padraig said, clearly noticing where Leo’s attention was focused.

He nodded, distracted by that information. She was upstairs and she was alone.

Which meant he was fucked.

Meanwhile, Padraig looked in the opposite direction, to where a woman was tapping away fast and furious on her laptop.

“Who’s that?” Leo asked, curious about the pretty woman. She’d been sitting there since he’d arrived, and from the open notebook beside the half-empty plate next to her, it was apparent she’d been there awhile.

“Emmy. She’s a writer. Been coming in here the last few weeks to work on her book. Not sure what it’s about. She won’t say,” Padraig replied, raising his voice so she could hear him.

“Don’t want you stealing my plot,” Emmy said, grinning widely without looking up. Her fingers continued to fly across the keyboard.

Her secrecy had obviously sparked Padraig’s curiosity. Leo got a sense the two of them had had this conversation before.

Padraig turned his attention back to him. “Since Emmy won’t divulge her secrets, I’ll ask you, Leo. What are you doing here?”

“Can’t a guy just hang out and have a beer, chat with an old friend while he’s tending bar? I thought you might like the company.”

Padraig rolled his eyes. “I do like the company, and of course a guy can do that. But you’re not that guy, and that’s not why you’re here.”

Leo started to glance toward the door to Yvonne’s apartment, but he winced and stopped himself. It didn’t matter. It was too late.

Padraig snorted as if to say “I told you so.”

“I’ve spent the last week trying to stay away from here. From her.” Leo didn’t say Yvonne’s name. It wasn’t necessary. Padraig was pretty damn astute, plus, unlike Emmy, the Collins family was shit at secrets. What one knew, they all knew.

“Staying away, huh? How’s that going for you?” Padraig asked with a grin. Padraig’s perceptiveness was what made him such a great bartender. He had an innate ability to really listen as his patrons talked, but more than that, he could see the things they didn’t say. It was one of the main reasons Leo had detoured here before heading upstairs.

“I’m sitting right outside her door, so I’ll let you figure that out.”

“So go upstairs.”

“I’m not sure it’s that simple.”

Padraig tossed a towel over his shoulder. “Everything is that simple, bro.”
