Page 44 of Wild Spirit

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There was a lot to be said for that old “friends make the best lovers” adage.

Naked, Yvonne crawled beneath the covers, then patted the bed next to her. “You should try to get a few hours’ sleep. I suspect tomorrow will be a busy day for you.”

He nodded, climbing into the bed next to her. Yvonne twisted away from him so that he could spoon her from behind. Downstairs, he’d taken her with very little touching or kissing or even looking, as they’d remained fairly clothed.

Leo would have expected to fall asleep instantly, but now that he had her naked body pressed against his, he felt rejuvenated and anxious to discover more of her secrets. His fingers traveled over her soft skin, tracing lines around her breasts and her nipples as he lightly kissed the side of her neck.

Yvonne mewed like a well-loved kitten, wiggling her ass against his cock, which was slowly starting to thicken.

Reaching back, Yvonne did her own awkward exploration, her hands stroking his hips before moving along his ass.

After playing with her breasts for several minutes, Leo decided to investigate the territory due south. He brushed his fingertips through the hair of her pussy, then pressed deeper, finding her clit.

Yvonne sucked in a soft breath, pushing her ass more fully against his erection.

They continued to tease each other, Leo caressing her clit as she rubbed her ass against him as the minutes ticked by and the first light of dawn cut through the darkness.

“Turn around,” he said, his voice suddenly gruffer.

Yvonne rolled to her back and he leaned down to kiss her. Unlike the outright attack downstairs, this touch was gentle, softer. Her lips parted and their tongues touched. He cupped her cheek as they kissed, while her hands found their way to his chest.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he murmured when they parted briefly for air.

She smiled. “I’m not complaining.”

Leo shifted until he was over her, Yvonne’s legs parting for him. He ran his finger along her slit, concerned about taking her again so soon after everything they’d just done.

She was wet and ready, so he placed the head of his cock inside and slid home slowly. Neither of them was in a hurry to rush to the end, time meaningless as they simply lay there, locked together, looking into each other’s eyes.

Yvonne lifted her legs, wrapping her ankles around his waist as he gently rocked in and out. He wanted to prove to her he could give her anything she needed. A rough, hard fuck or soft lovemaking.

Anything. He’d give her anything.

They kissed as he moved inside her, Yvonne lifting her hips on each return to take him deeper.

The sun had just burst through the curtains when she whispered, “Leo. I’m…”

“Me too.”

They came together, a quieter melding of two bodies, though no less passionate, no less powerful.

It was on the tip of Leo’s tongue to tell her loved her when his phone pinged.

Reality always found a way to crash in on him at just the wrong time.

Yvonne gave him an understanding smile. “You better see who that is.”

He nodded as he withdrew, sitting up slowly before grabbing his jeans off the floor to fish his phone out of his pocket.

It was a message from his mother, telling him they’d scheduled his dad for more testing at nine o’clock and asking if he could be there.

It was just after six now, and he still needed to head home, shower, change clothes and figure out what to do with the boys if Ryder couldn’t take the day off. Looked like he wasn’t getting any sleep today.

Glancing over his shoulder at Yvonne, her hair a tangled, sexy mess on the pillow, wiped away any regret he had about that. Losing a night’s sleep to be with her was worth it.

He texted his mom and said he’d be there at nine. Then placed his phone on the nightstand.

“I can’t stay,” he said, bending down to kiss her.
