Page 58 of Wild Spirit

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The shock on Yvonne’s face proved he really didn’t take enough time off for himself. “I—” she started.

“She can,” Riley answered. “You two get out of here. The next time I see you, Leo, I want you well-fed, well-rested and,” she wiggled her eyebrows, “well-fu—”

“We’re leaving!” Yvonne said, cutting her aunt off while Leo chuckled.

“You telling tales on us?” Leo asked her.

“I dare you to keep anything from Riley,” Yvonne replied. “I swear to God, she reads minds.”

Riley shrugged. “A clairvoyant never tells her secrets.”

“Let me go grab my purse from the apartment,” Yvonne said as they left the kitchen and headed for the stairs to her place.

They both waved at Padraig, who was leaning on the counter chatting with Emmy.

Leo placed his hand on her back and guided her toward her bedroom. “You might want to pack a bag. We’re staying the night at my house.”

“What about the boys?”

“Ryder took them camping.”

Her eyes lit up. “You mean we’re going to be alone-alone?”

He nodded, not bothering to temper the big-ass smile on his face. “Yep.”

They entered her bedroom, and he sat on the edge of her bed as she grabbed an overnight bag from her closet and started tossing pajamas she wouldn’t wear into it, as well as a change of clothing.

“Riley wasn’t wrong. You look wrung out. Is your dad okay?”

Leo started to nod, then shrugged. “It’s taking him some time to bounce back from the bypass surgery. I suspect some of that is due to the diabetes, but the doctor says he’ll recover. It’s just going to take a little longer than we’d expected.”

“Will he be able to return to work?”

Leo shook his head. “Not to the same extent as before. He’ll have to cut way back, and I’m sure he won’t be able to do any heavy lifting for quite a while.”

“Which I’m sure puts Josh in good spirits.”

Leo laughed. She knew him and his family well enough to know his brother was a bear on good days. “His aggressiveness is no longer passive. It’s outright pissed off. I want the farm to succeed and thrive as much as he does, but we have very different ideas about how that should happen.”

“What does Marie say?”

“You know Marie. She’s ever the peacemaker. Never takes a side, just tells us both we make valid points.” His shoulders started to tighten again. Talking about his family never failed to stress him out. “I don’t want to think about that today. It’s my day off.”

Yvonne walked over and cupped his cheek. “I love that you’re taking a day off. And I’m stealing all the credit. I’ve had an amazing impact on you. Truly stellar results. Really, when you think about it, you owe me everyth—”

Leo reached up to grab her, tossing her to the bed and tickling her. “Are you seriously going to steal all the credit?”

She nodded unrepentantly. “Absolutely.”

He stopped tickling her, dropping to his elbows over her, kissing the tip of her nose. “Good. You should. You’re good for my soul, Vonnie.”

“Just your soul?” she teased, reaching down to run her hand along his suddenly emerging erection.

“You’re very good for that part of me too.” He glanced over his shoulder. He hadn’t shut her bedroom door behind them. God only knew how many of her cousins were home at the minute. As tempting as it was to finish what she’d just started, Leo was tired of sneaking around. The next time he took her, they were going to be completely naked and, if he did things right, Yvonne would be screaming down the rafters.

“You have everything you need?” he asked, forcing himself to move away from her. He offered a hand to help her stand as well, grinning at her confusion. Yvonne had obviously thought they were going to start the party here.

“I need to grab some things from the bathroom.”
