Page 66 of Wild Spirit

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“I want to watch you come. Right here. Right now.”

There was no question he’d get his wish when he added a third finger and rubbed her clit with his thumb. His other hand rested on her ass, holding her in place.

Yvonne ran her fingers over his slick chest, then licked him, nipping at his nipples as he drove her up the mountain peak.

“Leo!” she cried, too close to stop.

“I’m right here, baby. Do it. Let me feel that tight pussy of yours clench around my fingers.”

“God,” she breathed, his words the final nail in her coffin. She came, clinging to his strong arms as she rode it out.

Once her orgasm waned, he kissed her again, this one gentle, sweet, loving.

Then he turned off the water and helped her out, drying her with a soft terry cloth towel.

She wrapped one around her body while he grabbed a second, covering himself from the waist down.

“Breakfast?” he asked.

She nodded. She’d worked up one hell of an appetite. “I’ll make it.” She walked to the kitchen, rifling through his refrigerator until she found enough ingredients to whip up a decent omelet.

Glancing at the clock, she realized she’d be better off calling this lunch. It was nearly one in the afternoon. Fortunately, today was her day off. After bailing on her family twice this week already, there was no way she could have left them hanging a third day. Not that Riley or Dad would have said no. They knew her well enough to see she was falling fast. Dad had pulled her aside yesterday morning to tell her that he thought Leo was a good man and he was happy for her.

Boomer pranced around her feet as she cooked, so she snuck him a piece of bacon.

They’d just sat down to the table to eat when Leo’s phone rang. He walked to where he’d left it in the living room, then came back to the table, still talking.

From his tone, she knew it was Josh. Leo had a “Josh” tone that was unmistakable, a weird mix of exasperation and reassurance.

“I told you I wasn’t coming this morning, Josh.” A pause. “Why would you think I was joking?” Another pause. “Don’t. Don’t do that, Josh. You know I care about Dad’s health and the family. I just—”

Yvonne hated the way Josh treated Leo.

Leo worked damn hard, but, unlike Josh, he had a son relying on him as well. Vince needed his father just as much, if not more, than that farm.

“No. Mom didn’t call me this morning. What did the doctor say?”

Yvonne put her fork down, not bothering to hide her eavesdropping. Not that Leo appeared to care if she listened. He mouthed the word “rehabilitation” when she silently asked “what?”

She gave him a sympathetic look, but Leo glanced out the window, clearly unhappy with whatever Josh was saying.

“I told you, Josh, with school starting, now isn’t a good time to—” Leo sighed, then gave up, letting his brother speak his peace for a few minutes more. “Listen, Josh. I need to get off here. I’ll head over to the hospital later this afternoon. And I’ll see you at the farm tomorrow morning.”

Leo hung up and leaned back in his chair wearily. He’d looked so happy before the damn phone rang, but real life had returned with a vengeance.

“Rehabilitation?” she asked.

He nodded. “Yeah. They want to move him from the hospital to a different facility. At least for a little while, few weeks, maybe more. Josh thinks I should move back to the farm.”

Yvonne frowned. “But Vince would have to change schools.”

“I’m not moving. He’s been pestering me about it since the night of Dad’s heart attack. I keep saying no, but you know Josh. Once he sets his mind to something, he’s like a dog with a bone.”

Leo rubbed his eyes, and she hated seeing him stressed out again.

She looked down at the towel around her and had an idea of how to distract him. Tugging the terry cloth loose, she pulled it away, letting it drop from her naked body.

It worked. Leo grinned. “You lost your towel,” he pointed out.
