Page 78 of Wild Spirit

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Fast, rough, passionate, primal.


He’d given them five minutes, but she wasn’t sure she would need that long. She was already there.

“Leo, I—”

“Me too, baby. I thought…I’d lost…you.” His words were broken up by his forceful thrusting, but she could hear the anguish. He’d suffered as much as she had.

“Love you,” she said. “I love you so much. I can’t st—” Her words were cut off by the orgasm she didn’t even try to hold back.

Not that Leo cared. Her climax set off his mere seconds later.

“Jesus. Vonnie. Yes!”

They remained there for a few seconds, both gasping. They were naked from the waist down, only shedding the necessary clothing. They’d come at each other like wild animals.

Her laughter when she considered that was breathless.

“Something funny?” he asked, as the timer on his phone went off.

She laughed harder. “I was just thinking we didn’t even need the full five minutes.”

Leo chuckled. “It was a long three days.” He slipped out of her, one hand on her hip, holding her steady. He always took care of her, always made sure she was okay. Yvonne thought that might be one of the things she loved about him. His considerate care, his attention to her needs.

They pulled their pants back on, grinning at each other like lovesick fools.

“And here I thought the key was my present,” she teased, slapping his ass as they left her bedroom.

Leo kissed her on the cheek. “If that counts as a present, every day is going to be your birthday.”

“Hey, I just thought of something?”

Leo took her hand as they walked back downstairs to the pub. “What’s that?”

Yvonne brightened up. “I’m a Leo. So really, everyday could be my birthday. We were totally meant to be.”

He rolled his eyes. “I can think of a million reasons why we were meant to be, but sure…if that works for you, I’ll take it. As long as you’re my Leo.”



Yvonne peered around the open doorframe and found Pop Pop sitting in his favorite chair with Reba on his lap.

“You stole my baby,” Yvonne said with a grin as she walked into her grandfather’s room.

“I borrowed her,” he corrected. “Thought I’d give you and Leo a chance to actually sit down to eat.”

Reba was only two months old and she was already spoiled rotten, preferring to be held constantly. Probably because between her, Leo, Vince, Yvonne’s parents, all her cousins, aunts, uncles and Pop Pop, the wee baby hadn’t spent more than a few hours without someone’s loving, adoring arms wrapped around her.

“What are you two doing in here?” Yvonne asked.

“I was just telling my sweet lass what her name means.”

Yvonne laughed. “Already? Are you sure she understands?”

Pop Pop gave her a wink. “Well, now, lass, the meaning of names is a tradition with me, and since I’m not getting any younger, I like to take my opportunities when they present themselves.”
