Page 41 of June Kisses

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“Sunshine, I’m not having sex with you. That crosses way over the line of pretending.”

She picked up her wineglass, running a finger over the rim. “I didn’t say anything about sex. Just orgasms.”

“That still crosses a line.”

Sunnie lifted one shoulder. “I don’t think so. It’s just one friend helping out another. After all, you’re the one insisting on playing this game rather than letting things run their natural course. I shouldn’t have to suffer simply by going along with it.”

“I hardly think using a vibrator for a week or two is suffering.”

She smiled, smelling success. Landon would refuse, she’d convince him pretending to be a couple was a bad idea, they’d have a nice dinner, and she’d find some way to get her head screwed on straight about Landon again.

“We’ll never agree on that, so I guess that settles it,” she said. “We ca—”

“Fine. Orgasms.”

Two words had never hit her with the force of those. Was he seriously giving in to her insane demand?

He studied her face, way too closely.

Dammit. The fucker was calling her bluff.

She wasn’t going to lose this battle. “Wonderful. We’ll start tonight after dinner. We can go back to my apartment.” There was no way in hell he’d walk into the Collins Dorm and straight back to her bedroom. For one thing, they’d never get the door closed. Finn would drag both of them out and read them the riot act for being so stupid.

Besides, she wasn’t sure she would let it go that far.

There was a big difference between these stolen kisses of his and, well, that.

He wasn’t wrong. Orgasms totally crossed a line. That’s why she’d suggested them to begin with. Steady, predictable Landon would never go that far.

“No,” Landon said. “Not tonight. You haven’t even started,” he finger quoted the next two words, “‘to diet.’ Give the vibrator a workout and we’ll revisit this later.”

“I’ve been on the diet ever since the mugging…actually, no. It was way before that. I told you Derek and I never indulged.”

“Your shitty taste in guys isn’t my problem.”

Sunnie grinned. “It is now.” She pointed one finger downwards. “She’s very hungry.”

Landon laughed. “Do you really think this is going to scare me away?”

She scowled. “Yeah, babe. I’m pretty sure it will. Admit it, you’re sweating bullets right now, thinking about carrying through on my demand. This whole idea is silly, Landon. It’s never going to work. For one thing, we—”

“Go to the bathroom.”

He kept interrupting her. With unexpected comments.


“Get up and go to the ladies’ room.”


He raised one eyebrow impatiently. Was he still trying to call her bluff?

Sunnie couldn’t deny it. She loved this Landon, loved the unpredictability, the macho posturing.

She lifted her wineglass, took a big swig, and then stood up.

She walked to the ladies’ room and locked the door. Walking over to the mirror, she fluffed her hair and touched up her lipstick, wondering how long she should let him sweat it out at the table before returning. She was just about to head back when there was a soft knock on the door.
