Page 48 of June Kisses

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“How many times?” he pressed.

Sunnie did her usual duck and cover. “How many times have you seen it?”

“Too many. Fucking Miguel pulls it up on his iPad pretty much hourly at work, doing this running commentary for anyone who will listen.” It was one reason Landon wasn’t surprised by Beverly’s comment about the look. It was Miguel’s favorite part of the video, the place he always paused and made sure to point out Landon’s million-dollar heartthrob moment.

Miguel had mistaken it for some sexy move on Landon’s part.

Landon now recognized it as something different.


Sunnie giggled. “I’ll have to get Miguel to do the color commentary for me.”

“How many times, Sunnie?”

She faced him, annoyed. “Landon.”

He waited at a stoplight, the red light giving him a chance to look at her, to show her he wasn’t going to let the subject drop.

“Once,” she admitted quietly.

Landon frowned. “One time? You’ve only seen it once?”

“I was there,” she said, her words a weak defense. “I saw it all in person. Why do I need to watch the video?”

He didn’t have a clue what to make of that confession. Sunnie had approached the whole viral thing with an unbridled enthusiasm, enjoying the limelight.

So why wouldn’t she embrace the video that brought her that fame?

Sunnie’s gaze darted away a split second before the light turned green. The reaction told him exactly why she hadn’t watched it.

She was afraid.

What he didn’t know was what had spooked her.

The kiss?

The look?

Or had she realized the same thing as him?

That nothing between them was make-believe, and he would never think of Sunnie as a sister ever again.

Chapter Eleven

Landon sat on a padded chair on the sidelines of the high school gym where the charity basketball game was about to start, looking hotter than any man had the right to in gray Under Armour shorts and a navy-blue T-shirt.

He hadn’t seen her yet, which gave Sunnie a minute to try to get this strange initial reaction to him under control. She’d noticed that every day since they’d started pretending to be a couple, there was this brief period of honest-to-God nervousness right before he arrived at the pub to pick her up. It was an insane feeling, considering it was Landon who was making her feel so…twittery.

It was the only word she could come up with to describe it.

Pushing that aside, she fluffed her hair and turned to Yvonne. “You ready for our grand entrance?”

Yvonne nodded, while Jessica, one of the nurses from the hospital, tried to tug down her skirt and said, “We should have told them we were planning to do this.”

Sunnie grinned. “Ruins the surprise if you warn people.”

Yvonne laughed as Sunnie led her squad into the gymnasium. Both teams had just claimed their half of the floor for warm-ups when the cheerleaders entered.
