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My large back garden glistens in the setting sun, the shadows getting long. The sprinklers kiss the air. It’s serene, or it should be—enough for any man to settle down and be happy. But alone? I never knew I could think about the future before seeing her yesterday. I’m losing my fucking mind. It’s almost like I want to go crazy, then I don’t have to face the cold fact of what I’m doing.

I hear Kelly crying in the house behind me, and Ben’s voice raised. They’re arguing about something that happened when she was still in school. Something about prom, but Kelly’s been chipping at him all day. It’s not her fault. It’s the filth leaking out of her system.

I scoop Petey up, cradling him softly to my chest, and walk barefoot through the garden. The lawn is cool against my feet. Petey whines gently, and I put him down. He quickly does his business, then walks tiredly over to me, whining again.

“I’m sorry for whatever they did to you, boy,” I say, scooping him up, thinking of the man I left on the floor last night. I’ve got no clue how badly I hurt him.

I look at my phone again, chewing the inside of my cheek. It’s a bad habit that takes me back to those dark days, the fights, the teeth, and the wrongness.

I call her.

“H-hello?” she murmurs, a hitch in her voice.

“It’s Pro… Max,” I say. What use does the professor title have now? “I got your text,” I go on, “about the tattoo.”

“Oh, yeah. Cool.”

There’s a pause. The whole time, I’m thinking about how I need to stop, but I can’t.

“Did you have any ideas?” I ask.

“I did earlier. Dad really loved cars. I was thinking of a car driving into the sunset. Maybe with Dad on the license plate?”

“That’s a great idea,” I tell her. “I could do that. Where…” My mouth gets dry, my balls swell, and my cock gets hard immediately. “Where on your body would you want it?”

Her body. My mind goes to every part of her body, her voluptuous tits and wide hips.

“On my upper shoulder, I think. That way, I can hide it if I want to, like you do.”

“I can take care of that, no problem,” I say.

“Where? When?”

She gets breathless toward the end. The crazy part is I don’t think she’s doing it on purpose. I don’t think that excitable hitch in her voice is staged. It’s just Ellie being who she is.

“You shouldn’t rush into a tattoo,” I tell her. It hurts me to say it.

“I know. I just… You’re right.”

“I’ve got everything I need at my house.”

Are students supposed to go to their professor’s houses? I almost want her to say, but it’s unfair for me to put the responsibility on her. I’m supposed to know better. She’s a warm-blooded, sexy-as-hell woman, but she’s still a student.

Do I know she wants me? Even if she does, she won’t want me in the same way I want her.

Behind me, Kelly yells. I turn, wondering if I should change the venue, but my house is the safest spot—less chance of anybody seeing us. Ben and Kelly won’t say anything.

“Where do you live?” she asks. “I don’t have my license. I’m getting it, but… Driving makes me nervous. I am getting it, though.”

“I believe you. I know you can do it.”

She laughs softly. “How can you know that, sir?”

I bite down. My shaft gets hard again, the tip burning warmly. “I just do. You’re a strong person. I can tell.”

“I like to think so, but it doesn’t always feel that way.”

You’re going to make an incredible mother, I almost say, which is the most absurd thing I could say.

“What about tomorrow?” I say. “Around seven p.m.?”

“Uh, yeah,” she replies. “Oh my God, yes. I’m doing this. I’ve wanted to for a while. Are you sure?”

“Are you sure, Ellie?” I growl. “Really think about it.”

“I am, Professor,” she whispers in the sexiest, most breathy voice.

“I can pick you up or send a car for you.”

She sighs softly. “I suppose it’s better if we’re not seen together, right? We both know you’re just doing me a favor, but other people might not see it that way.”

“I’m just doing you a favor,” I say, nodding. I get it. The game we’re playing. “I can send a car.”

“Maybe I’ll get a ride. I’ll let you know. Text me your address.”

“I will. See you tomorrow, Ellie.”

I hang up, walking quickly around the garden. There’s no excuse for this. There would be no excuse even if she weren’t Vanessa’s daughter. There would be no way to justify it but add the Jane connection…

At least she’s not in the equation. At least it’s just Vanessa. She always seemed like a reasonable person, though that was years ago. I know I’m a much different man from the one I was then. Most people change as they grow older.
