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Carter spends nearly 3 fucking hours in Dr. Singh's office. Over that time, Travis's emotions range from nervous it'll end badly, to relieved Carter doesn’t come out screaming or crying right away, to proud of Carter for sticking it out, to worried about why it's going so long, to nervous that it'll end badly all over again.

When his boy emerges from the hallway, eyes red and cheeks damp, all of those emotions - and a dozen or so others - start a war inside Travis's chest. He ignores his own feelings though, focusing instead on Carter as he quickly walks over and takes the boy into his arms. "Hey sweetheart. You okay?"

"N-no," Carter says, his voice trembling. "But I think I will be…"

"You will," Travis promises. "We will be."

Carter chokes on a sob. He brings his arms up to wrap tight around Travis, clinging to him like he might disappear. Travis gives into instinct and desire by gripping the backs of his thighs and hiking him up into his arms. He doesn't care if people see and judge them. All he cares about is taking care of the man he loves. A man who just completely melted against him in relief once removed from the ground.

"I've got you," Travis murmurs as he carries Carter off to his bedroom. Once Travis has them locked safely inside, sitting on the edge of the mattress with Carter in his lap, he asks, “What can I do, sweetheart? What do you need from me?”

“I don’t know,” he cries, burying his face in Travis’s throat and soaking his skin. “I just - I don’t - distract me, maybe?”

Travis can do that. Not with sex, though. Not with his boy so emotional. The sex will have to come later.

There is one thing he’s been thinking of doing, though. An idea from Keats, of all people, that he scoffed at back when he first said it, but never really forgot. It’s silly and ridiculous, two things he’s willing to be for Carter Beckett. Especially if it makes his pretty boy smile.

“Be mine for the night,” is how he begins.

Carter sniffles. “I’m always yours.”

“Do you have plans though? With Casey or anyone?”

“No. Even if I did, I’m not really up for it. Just me and you sounds really nice.”

“Excellent.” Travis presses a kiss to the boy’s temple, then shifts so he can look at his face. He gives him what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “This is what we’re going to do. You’re going to go home. You-”

“Alone?” Carter asks, his voice cracking. Panic flashes in his eyes. “Without you?”

Travis gives him his best dominant look. It shuts the boy right up. He starts over. “You’re going to go home. You’re going to take a shower, and clean every inch of your sexy little body. You’ll also shave from the chest down. You’re going to put on an outfit that makes you feel confident and hot and ready to take on the world. Then you’re going to go to an address I’ll text you and wait for me. I want you there at 6:30 on the fucking dot.”



“What if-”

“Carter,” he says in warning, arching a brow. “Are you safe wording?”

Carter frowns, his eyebrows pulling together. “But – wait, I thought you weren’t going to be my sir anymore?”

“You went and talked to Dr. Singh. I figure you deserve a reward.”

Carter’s cheeks go deliciously pink. “What kind of reward?”

“That’s for me to know, for now.” Travis smirks at the pout his words draw from the boy. He taps his lip that he’s curled outward. “Are you safe wording?”

“No, sir,” Carter mumbles.

“Good boy.” Travis bites at that pouty bottom lip, loving the way it makes Carter gasp and squirm. “Eat dinner by 4. Nothing too heavy, but not just a snack. And drink a lot of water.”

“Yes, sir.”

Travis eyes him. “That’s hours away, though. I’m going to go get us something to eat. Then we’re taking a nap. Okay?”

“Okay.” Carter smiles. It’s soft and shy and fucking adorable. “Can we cuddle naked, sir? I love when we cuddle naked…”

Travis grins. “Yes, but if you’re naughty and try getting your cute little ass fucked, you’ll regret it.”
