Page 119 of One Last Time

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“We could ignore it,” Carter says breathlessly.

Travis sighs. “If only…”

Since Carter doesn’t argue further, he extracts himself from the boy and hurries back to the bedroom. He’s slightly breathless when he accepts the call from - oh, shit. “Ronan. Hey.”

“Hey.” Ronan laughs. “Please tell me you weren’t in the middle of having sex.”

“If I did, would you let me return to it?”

“Unfortunately, no.” Ronan sighs, and all humor fades. Travis’s cock softens and his gut drops. “Which do you want first, the good news or bad news?”

“Bad news.”

“I can’t get my hands on Elliot.”


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Travis deflates to the edge of the mattress, rubbing a hand over his face. “Why not?”

“Pasternak won’t give him up. After sniffing around, I had my second attend an event last night. He cozied up to Pasternak and commented on the boy. He said something about me being interested in a younger slave for my next one and asked some questions. They got to chatting and… it’s not going to happen. It’s some fucked up thing between him and his wife. An… arrangement. The wife really likes Elliot.”

“I thought Pasternak was desperate to get into arms dealing?”

“Aye. But not enough to give up Elliot without a straight offer from me, and that’d be too suspicious. I’ve never even set eyes on the boy. I got a few names for men selling kids in the area from him, so that's something..."

"Yeah, that's good, at least. Did you give it to Ace so we can track them down?"

"Yeah, already handled. We talked about the case too. Came up with a plan. I told him I wanted to be the one to call you."

Travis sighs. "I appreciate that. You said you had good news? Does that mean you and Ace figured out a way to get the boy?"

"Aye. Pasternak is traveling to the U.S. tomorrow. He's taking his private plane and his manifest includes a minor. Apparently a nephew, but you and I know that's probably not who it is."

"He's bringing Elliot."

"It's a good bet, yes."

"What's the nature of the trip?"

"Looks to be business with a dash of personal. He'll be there for a week, mostly business dealings and meetings at the local branch. He's staying at an apartment owned by his company." There's a soft sound, like papers rustling. Then, "The thing that has me convinced he's bringing Elliot is that he'll be attending a very exclusive, hush-hush party at the house of a man he went to school with. The man is known to keep a slave or two. He also dabbles in the market and has friends in high places. There's a good chance Pasternak plans on showing Elliot off."

"How high are these places his friends are in?"

"High enough. The party isn't touchable. Best bet is to hand it over to a task force you trust and have them snag Elliot the minute he lands on American soil."

Travis frowns. "Fuck that. We'll get him ourselves."

"And do what with Pasternak? You can't arrest him, and he can't turn up dead or missing with the boy nowhere to be found. Not after my guy just sniffed around asking about Elliot. You'll put me at risk."

"Fuck." Travis rakes his hand through his air, scratching at his scalp in frustration. "Fuck."

“I'm sorry. I was really hoping to do it myself, man."

"I know. I appreciate you trying."

“Ace said there's a group in New York that you guys really trust. He doesn't foresee any issues coming up."
