Page 67 of One Last Time

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"I have three very important questions, and then we can watch our movie, or… not watch the movie."

Nerves eat at Carter, but he nods. "Sounds fair."

"First, are we exclusive? Because I can't let you leave here until I know if you're fully mine."

"I'm yours," Carter promises. "All yours."

Travis grins. "Good. And you're all mine, if you'll have me."

"Oh, I'll have you," Carter teases, wiggling his eyebrows a little. But then he softens his expression and says again, much more seriously, "I'll have you, Travis."

Travis releases a breath and leans forward, pressing his forehead to Carter's. His hand on Carter's neck flexes. "What do you want your safe word to be?"

"Red still works."

"For me, too. I thought we could do the color system, since red works well with that. Green, yellow, red. You know that, right?”

Carter’s chest warms as he realizes Travis must have done his own research into the lifestyle while they were apart. He can’t stop smiling like an idiot. “That works for me, yeah.”

“Good.” Travis nudges his nose against Carter's, his breath a ghost haunting Carter's lips. Carter wants badly to lurch forward for a kiss, but he forces himself to be a good boy and stay still. If this is going to work, he has to trust Travis to take the reigns sometimes. This is a good first step for that. "Last question. Are you my sweetheart again?"

“Yes.” Goosebumps erupt along his skin, making him shiver. He looks up into Travis’s brown eyes and lets himself whisper, “Please.”

"Then what would you like to do, sweetheart? Harry Potter, or do you want to play?"

Is that even a question?

"I want to play." He moves his head, Travis allowing it for a few inches before stopping him again. It's enough distance for Carter to be able to look him directly in the eyes, so he doesn't try to pull away further. "Please, sir."

Travis's eyes flash.

And then he transforms, his shoulders squaring, his grip flexing, his chin coming up and his gaze boring right into Carter's fucking soul. His voice is even different when he speaks again. It's sir speaking. "Then I suggest you get naked and kneel."

Travis has spent countless hours - days, maybe even weeks, worth - thinking about this moment. If it would ever happen. How it would come about. If it'd be a fluke or the start of something more.

And here it is, the moment Travis has been terrified to hope for - Carter Beckett is back on his knees for him.

"You have no idea how good that looks," Travis admits to the kneeling boy. He runs a hand through Carter's messy hair before gripping it hard and pulling back, forcing eye contact. Pretty blue eyes lock with his before nervously fluttering away. "You can look at me, sweetheart. Sir likes seeing you."

With a shiver, Carter brings his eyes back to Travis. He looks completely open, just waiting to be told what to do. A blank canvas for Travis to make into a beautiful piece of art.

That gives him an idea…

"Stay here," Travis says. He tugs a little harder on the boy's hair to emphasize the order. "Think about how good you're going to be for me. No touching that cock of yours. I'll be right back."

Carter moans, his hands clenching at his sides as his cock bobs helplessly in the air. "Yes, sir."

Unable to help himself at the sound of those words, Travis leans down and gives Carter a deep, searing kiss for a few seconds. Then he forces himself to behave and exit the room, adjusting his erection in his pants before he runs into anyone.

There isn't anything at the house for this, but he’s excellent at improvising. First stop is the extra gear closet, where he'll be able to find some paracord. It's not ideal, so he'll use it very sparingly, but it'll get the job done.

Once he has a few loops worth of black tactical cord, he heads to Ace's office. He knocks and announces himself. There's a hesitation before Ace yells for him to come in. Travis realizes why when he enters. Ace isn't alone. Matt - of all people - is curled up on the couch that's pushed against the wall while Ace lounges in his office chair. Matt sinks further into the couch, dropping his gaze. Ace not-so-subtly wheels his chair over until he's blocking the man from Travis. "Hey man, what's up?"

"You use those soy candles, right?"

"Yeah." Ace looks pleased, grinning at him. "Are you finally listening to me? I tell ya, man, those other candles are fucking toxic. It shouldn't even be legal to sell them. The amount of chemicals-"

Travis fights to roll his eyes, cutting him off before he can get into the full swing of a rant. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I wanted to show one to Carter. Can I borrow one?"
