Page 94 of One Last Time

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Travis smiles, but it’s not his flirty or sexy smile. “Maybe not tonight.”

“But - but I’m a catch,” Carter reiterates.

“And drunk.”

“I waannt you though.”

“Oh my god, you’re being so desperate, Carter, stop it,” Bryce teases, poking a finger at Carter from somewhere behind him.

“Who the fuck can blame him?” Nolan asks. “He wants to get fucked. I want to get fucked. Maison, do you want to fuck me?”

Carter whips around, eyes wide. Nolan is piss-drunk and barely able to stand. Obviously he won’t be fucking Maison tonight. But… is that a thing? Have him and Maison been fucking? Are they together? Damn, Carter needs to move back into the house for the gossip alone, apparently. Travis has failed him.

When he looks over at Maison, Carter gets an answer at least - they’re definitely not fucking. His brother looks way too stunned.

While Maison sputters and Nolan bats his eyelashes, Carter catches sight of Jake slowly approaching Casey, a nervous smile on his lips. Carter sighs heavily and turns back to Travis. “Everyone else is so angsty and doomed and sexually tense. We should really climb into bed and take advantage of being free of that, don’t you think?”

“I’ll agree we should go to bed,” he says. “Maybe take it from there, yeah?”

“Why do I feel like you’re going to make me do boring stuff?” Carter whines, already moving toward the bedroom with Travis’s arm wrapped around his waist. “You are, aren’t you? Ugh. You’re gonna make me, like, drink water and sleep, aren’t you?”

“The horror,” Travis murmurs. “How dare I?”

“He’s the meanest ever,” Carter tells everyone watching. He curls his bottom lip out in a pout when he realizes no one seems to care. “Guys!”

“Go drink water and sleep,” Bryce orders, making shooing motions with his hands. “Go, go. Bye.”

Carter turns his pout onto Travis, figuring he’ll have better chances with the man who loves him. “They’re being mean…”

Travis brushes a piece of hair off his forehead and gives him a soft smile that makes Carter feel gooey as fuck inside. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Come on. Let’s go hide away from the meanies.”

“Best idea ever.” He puts his arms around Travis’s neck and bats his lashes at him. “Carry me?”

“Of course.” The man grabs Carter’s thighs with his nice big hands and heaves him up into his strong arms, settling him against his chest. He presses a kiss to Carter’s cheek and then tells him to tuck his head between his collar and jaw. When Carter does, he’s told, “Good boy.”

Carter sighs happily.

“I take it back,” he murmurs, his eyes falling closed. Maybe he’s a little sleepy after all… “You’re not mean. You’re the best ever.”

If Travis responds, Carter doesn’t even hear it. He’s already fast asleep.

Chapter Thirteen

Travis missed poker night.

He apologizes via text – being polite and friendly instead of being powerful and entitled something he’s still trying to get used to - and asks if they can still get together soon. Hunter assures him it’s fine and that they’re actually having a barbeque the following day. It’s not just the doms, some subs will be there too, but just their friend group. He says Travis can bring Carter.

And that’s how Travis finds himself in his nicest jeans, a white v-neck shirt, a deep brown leather jacket, and a pair of almost-matching brown leather boots. The boots and jacket are Ace’s. Apparently, they’re rugged-chic, which Ace thinks should be Travis’s new style. He promised Travis nice flannels and fisherman sweaters in his future, which Travis can admit sounds damn good after Nathan Roarke’s wardrobe. Honestly, he’s more focused on how fucking weird it is that Ace is into fashion. Who the fuck knew?

Carter pushes him up against the hallway wall the minute he sees him, kissing him like he hadn’t just seen Travis before they went their separate ways to shower and get dressed. “You look fucking hot,” the boy pants, pushing up on his tip-toes so he can reach Travis’s ear and nip at the lobe. Travis groans. Rugged-chic is officially his new style.

He totally owes Ace all of the soy candles and men’s fashion magazines.

Carter’s lips leave his ear, traveling down the side of his neck and to the collar of his shirt.

“We’ll be late if you keep that up,” Travis growls, even as he rests his head back against the wall and bucks his hips.

“Let me suck you off before we go,” Carter says in return.
