Page 230 of Drown in You

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“Uh - yes. Yeah. Ace’s office.”

I nod and turn away, heading back out the door just as I hear him say, “Hey, sweetheart.”

Moving David so he’s hugged against my chest, my arms crossed around him, I rest my chin on his head and go to Ace’s office. I knock, feeling much sleepier than before now that I’m this close to my daddy. He answers with a mug of coffee in one hand and an annoyed look that quickly morphs into a soft smile so full of fondness my heart nearly bursts. "Hey, little fish. What are you doing here?"

"Missed you. Couldn't sleep." I bat my lashes at him. "Can I stay?"

"Of course." He wraps an arm around me, bringing me straight to his office chair. He sits down and pulls me into his lap, tucking me sideways against his chest. I have to awkwardly drape my legs over the armrest, and it's a tight fit for us, but I don't mind. "Couldn't sleep? Bad dreams?"

"Couldn’t sleep without you," I admit before perking up to share the news that Carter's call made me forget. "But I was laying on the bed! And I didn't get sick or panic!"

He beams at me. "Oh, Casey, that's fucking awesome. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." I blush, dropping my gaze. It still feels so wonderfully terrible when he says things like that. It’s easier if I just change the subject instead. "Carter called."

"Oh? It's late. Is he okay?"

"I think he's been having a harder time than he was letting on. I might have been a little harsh, but I gave him some tough love. Said he needs to take better care of himself. And then I sort of tattled on him with Travis."

Jake chuckles. "If anyone can get that boy straightened out, it's Trav. You were a good friend. Carter will see that."

"I hope so." I rest my head on his shoulder and blink lazily at the screens in front of us. The only activity is two people in front of the fireplace, sitting shoulder to shoulder. I know without seeing their faces that it's Maison and Nolan. Smiling, I let my eyes wander to the other screen. I pause when I see Elliot’s picture up. "Any news on Elliot?"

"One of our contacts is going to an event tomorrow where he'll be able to sniff around. We're hoping he can buy Elliot outright."

"What if his owner isn't willing to do that?"

"Then we'll take Elliot ourselves. It's messier, and more dangerous, but if that's what has to happen, that's what happens."

My stomach turns as I think about the little boy and how terrified he must be. "Will he get the same deal as us? Be brought to a safehouse?"

"If Ronan buys him or we extract him ourselves, yes. If we have to go through a task force, then the task force will provide resources instead."

"Wait - so there's a chance we won't get to see him?"

"There is. I'm sorry. But we have to do what's best for him. What's safest. If that doesn't end with him coming here, we need to accept that."

I sigh, not exactly pleased with that. But I don't argue because he's right. We're going to save Elliot. That's all that matters. That kid needs to get back to his mom. Him seeing me and Carter again isn't nearly as important, even if we'd kill to get the chance.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Jake asks.

"For finding him. Saving him." I swallow hard, my eyes suddenly burning. "For doing the same with me. I know you were just doing your job, but still…"

He shifts, holding me closer. "I came for you because it was my job, yes, but not a day goes by where I don't thank whatever fates or gods or universal elements are at play for bringing you into my life, little fish. You want to know why?"


He guides my head back until our gazes meet. His smile is soft and warm. His expression is soaked in fondness. "You've saved me too."

I blush furiously, my heart a frantic thing high off happiness in my chest. I bury my face against his throat and make a soft sound that causes him to laugh. He strokes my back, soothing me despite his amusement. "Want to change the subject?"

"Please," I squeak, far too overwhelmed to be discussing things like me saving him.

"I think I'm going to buy a house. Me, Maison, Travis, and Ace."

I lift my head, my mind already refocusing. My heart is high on panic now, pounding so hard it hurts. “What? When? Where?"
