Page 248 of Drown in You

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"Oh?" He arches a single brow. It's unfairly sexy. "Does that mean daddy gets to do whatever he wants now that he caught you?"

"Mhhm. I'm your prize."

His expression turns soft. "Yes, baby boy. You certainly are."

"Dadddy," I whine, tucking my burning face against his chest to hide. I don't know why, but I feel all shivery and squirmy inside right now. Almost… little.

"Is my baby boy all embarrassed?" he coos.

I am, but not entirely for the reason he thinks. This doesn't have so much to do with him getting all mushy on me as it does me experiencing these new feelings. I wiggle out of his hold and slip into the room before he can catch me, diving onto the bed and grabbing David. Jake settles in beside me, smiling despite his obvious confusion. I cling tighter to David and tuck my chin against his head.

Jake makes a soft noise. "Oh. Is my boy feeling little?"

"I… don't know," I whisper. "It's just… happening."

He brings a hand to my cheek, guiding my face until I'm looking at him. The only way to describe his expression is incredibly fond. "That's okay. Let it happen."

"I wanted you to fuck me," I mumble, feeling very pouty.

"You don't want daddy to fuck you while you're feeling little?" he asks, not disappointed, just curious.

"I - would you want to?" I ask. We never really talked about the possibility, neither of us sure if my mind would ever drift to a place like this. My little mode so far has just been when I get extra cuddly and needy, or when I get playful and more carefree. Which, I guess this feels like that. But there's an extra layer. One I can't explain.

One thing I do know is that my cock is painfully hard and the thought of Jake fucking me right now makes me feel warm and bubbly.

"I'd want to, yes," Jake says, reminding me I asked a question. "But I also wouldn't mind if you don't want me to-"

"I do!" I blurt, my heart pounding like he's chasing me again. "Please, fuck me, daddy."

He grins. "How could I ever turn a request like that down? How about you slip out of your pants and underwear. I think I'll have you keep my sweatshirt on. Daddy hasn't gotten to fuck you in it yet."

I blush, already fumbling with my jeans with one hand while keeping David in the other. I frown when I realize I'm probably going to have to let him go.

Unless… "Daddy?"

"Yeah, baby boy?" he asks, helping me with my one pant leg that's stuck on my ankle. He tosses my jeans to the side before settling between my legs.

"Can David stay?"

Jake moans, his eyes locking onto my hands as they hold David to my chest. "Yeah, baby. Fuck. Hold David while daddy fucks you."

Blushing furiously, cock throbbing, I squeeze David to my chest and watch as Jake quickly frees himself of his clothes and grabs the lube from his nightstand. My body quakes with anticipation as he coats a few fingers and settles between my open thighs.

With his clean hand, he rests his fingertips against the inside of my left ankle and slowly - so very slowly - drags them up until he’s drawing patterns on my inner thigh, where he knows I’m extra sensitive. I twitch and moan, my eyes fluttering closed as his fingers get closer and closer to my cock.

“Daddy, please,” I breathe, wiggling my hips a little to try and get his hand where I want it.

“Please?” he asks, feigning confusion. “What do you need, baby boy?”

I frown at him, my bottom lip out in a pout. “Touch me.”

“Daddy is touching you.” He smirks, his fingers picking up the pace as they move along my thigh. They aren’t getting any closer to where I want them, though. “See?”

“Nooo. Touch my-” I pause, that extra-little, squirmy-inside feeling coming back with a vengeance. I have to look away before I can mumble, “My cock, daddy.”

He makes a soft, soothing sort of sound and rewards me by finally taking my cock in hand. I’m about to thank him when he follows that up with a wet finger nudging against my hole. All I manage is a needy moan instead.

