Page 84 of Drown in You

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Not at all.

I wish I could say time passes in a blur after I’ve raped my best friend, but it doesn’t. Every second is slow and excruciating, made even worse by how Maison changes over the course of the night, the man slowly losing his will to fight as cock after cock enters him. At some point, he's put on his knees so men can take him at both ends. He doesn't fight. He doesn't even hesitate. He just accepts the abuse, turning his head every time a cock finishes in his mouth, already prepared for the next one to fill him.

By the time Travis shows up to tell me the party where the operation will finally end has been planned, nearly everyone has wandered off, bored with the night's entertainment and ready to find their own slaves or head to bed.

Two men are left. One is rutting against Maison’s gaping, dripping ass while the other brutally fucks his throat. Travis’s eyes only manage to settle on our best friend for a few seconds at a time before skittering away.

"You'll lock him in the cage when everyone is done?" Travis asks, his voice tight.

I nod. "Yup. No one will be able to touch him."

"Good." Travis shifts uneasily, his eyes once again falling on Maison before he quickly looks away. "I… feel like I should ask how it went, but…"

Since we’re far enough away to not be overheard, I look Travis in the eye and do my best to comfort him by telling the truth. "We're all going to walk away from this alive. That's how it went."

It's not enough, but it has to be.

Travis jerks his head in a nod, then walks right out without another word, leaving me behind to deal with the aftermath of this horror show.

The man in Maison's mouth finishes first. He lets Maison collapse to the floor with just his ass up as the other man finishes moments later.

They pat me on the shoulder and say goodnight with grins on their faces. I smile back and return the words.

The moment I hear the door click shut, I let my gaze fall on Maison. He's slumped on his side, staring at my shoes with an unseeing gaze. One of his eyes is nearly swollen shut. He's breathing far too easily for what his body has been through, which means his mind is no longer here. Probably for the best.

I run a hand over my face, collecting myself the best I can. Then I grab the med kit I hid beneath the bed earlier and head toward my friend, gently gathering him in my arms. Maison's head lolls against my shoulder, his eyes barely open as he whimpers. "Done?"

My heart breaks. "Yeah, buddy. All done."


"He's fine. No one went near him. He spent all night safe with Casey in Trav’s room, remember?"

A sleepy, loose smile plays across the man's lips as he deflates completely. "Safe. Yeah. Carter's safe."

He passes out.

Chapter Nineteen


At first when I hear soft whispers, I try to fall back asleep, assuming it’s just Carter and Travis again, like earlier when Carter had stayed awake to pelt Travis with a ton of questions before Travis insisted that he try to get some sleep. But then I feel Carter pressed against me in the bed and realize it must not be him Travis is talking to.

“-been sleeping for an hour or so now. Casey longer.”

“How’s Carter holding up?” I nearly jolt at the sound of Jake’s voice, my heart suddenly racing. Not out of fear, but out of… something.

“He’s a mess, as expected.”

“We all are. Less than 24 hours now.”

God, he sounds tired. And upset. I’m supposed to be there for him. We promised each other.

Travis huffs a laugh. “Fucking surreal.”

“Yeah. Listen, I - I didn’t come to talk. I came for Casey.”

There’s a long pause. I release the air in my lungs slowly, not wanting to make a sound.
