Page 13 of The Moment

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He’s got the whole badass exterior, with a soft inflection that begs me to explore, to touch, to know more about him than he’s willing to share with the rest of the world. That curiosity is driving this car and calling my name like the cat to its death. I’d be a fucking liar if I thought this was going to end easily.

I’m not sure how to exit this moment with him—y’know, curiosity and all. So instead, I steal a glance in his direction while I slip the heels back onto my feet. He’s already studying me through his thick lashes as he reaches around to feed his belt through the loops with bulging arms and nimble fingers.

When did he even take that off?

Heat rises in my cheeks and I avert my eyes back to the small buckle on my strappy heels that give me at least another four inches of height. I struggle, yet draw out, fastening the thing back on as a means to hide from the scrutiny.

Or the inevitable.

Boots fill my vision as he comes close, his scent assaulting my nose. “I want to see you again.” The words are low, spoken from the base in his vocals, and send tingles right down to my rolled-over belly. Craning my neck, I stare up at his tall frame from my crouch, my sight trailing along to find his belt hangs open at his waist and his shirt barely covers any of his broad chest.

“How about later? Or tomorrow.” I speak to the rings that glint from his nipples, my mouth thinking of all the ways to play with just those.

My plane leaves tomorrow. Why did I offer tomorrow?Breaking my trance on his chest, I slide up to his jaw with enough stubble to make my thighs itch with want and meet his steely gaze.


“Absolutely.” His clipped nod and complete lack of hesitation tugs at the corners of my lips and my heartstrings.

Guess I’m driving home …

Pushing to my feet, I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. Another set of boots attached to a guy bigger than Rex approaches us, several items in his large hands that catch me off guard.

“Who the hell are you?” My fists flex with concern, my brows shooting to the center of my forehead.

Rex doesn’t seem alarmed by this guy, but I sure as shit am.How long has he been here?

“Ma’am.” He nods subtly to me but doesn’t answer the question as he hands a phone to Rex and offers my purse to me. Out of instinct, I snatch the clutch from his huge hands and muster my best bravado attitude accompanied by a fuck all look on my face. I angrily flip through the contents to ensure nothing is missing, my fingers touching the smoothness of my wallet filled with too many items and fingering the insanely expensive makeup tubes while pinning him with daggers from my eyes.

He seems more amused than he is threatened, but I keep up my best intimidation anyway.

“Here.” Rex’s voice soothes the edges of my mood, pulling my attention back to his crown of curls and the extended phone in his hand.

Wait, that’s my phone …

Confused, I take the device from him and look it over. Sure as shit, the red lips on the dark background of my lock screen stare back at me like a beacon in the night.

“I put my number in and sent myself a message.” The light of mischief in his demeanor has a smile forming despite the looming giant watching our interaction and the confusion hellbent on leaving a permanent V between my brows. I give a single nod as Rex dips closer, his hair falling forward over his brow, casting shadows over his features. It’s sexy, alluring, the way his mane fills him out and begs to be touched. To be grabbed. To use as guidance from between a set of thighs while his tongue does things I’m certain are only found in fantasies …

I lean in and plant a quick peck on his plump lips.

But for Rex, that’s not good enough—no.

He grabs me with one hand on my hip, the other on the back of my neck, and pulls me into his chest until I can’t tell whose warmth permeates my bones. His lips meet mine, fervor lacing his actions as his tongue licks at my bottom lip. I grant the access he’s demanding, matching his enthusiasm with my own passionate tongue strokes and nibbles as my arms snake around his shoulders. Rex presses his groin into my stomach, his cock hard and pulsing between us. That fancy red thong underneath my dress soaks through with my arousal, nipples peaking in anticipation of what might come.

He wants to see me again.

“I’ll text you.” Rex pulls back, pressing his forehead to mine, his labored breathing burning down my throat in a battle to see whose air wins out.

“Ok,” I pant, slowly raising my lids and catching sight of his charming pearly whites.

Before I can thoroughly fill my lungs again, he’s gone from me and the warmth along with him. He disappears through the door with the boot-clad stranger on his heels and a copycat on his front.

What the hell?

Click. Click.

I whip my head around to find the photographer hiding behind his lens, still snapping pictures of me panting like a damn dog after a man I just fucking met. He peeks out from behind the device with a knowing wink that both irks and settles me.
