Page 11 of Feral King

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I sobbed, my stinging bottom on display for a perfect stranger, and still I wanted him to look. The need within my core hadn’t subsided.

Even as I cried, it continued to grow stronger. The spanking persisted, but he slowed his pace, each spank hitting deeper, so much so that it seemed to reverberate in my clit enough to tease me with the possibility of orgasm. But it wasn’t quite enough.

His hand stayed wrapped around my wrist, and a strange part of me found comfort in that close physical contact. I wept and eventually, the spanking stopped.

His palm didn’t pull away from my scorched flesh.

“You will remain just like this until I can get far enough away from you. Do not follow. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold onto my sanity again,” he warned.

What if I did want you to lose control?

I shook my head as he let go, trying to make sense of my traitorous thoughts. I’d already accepted that my body was lost to whatever this was, but I fought the following of my mind.

I turned my back, watching as he backed away and wanting nothing more than for him to return and take what I’d wanted him to take from the very start.

Instead, he moved further away with every step, and my core constricted. I shifted, trying to swallow the fact that I’d just received the first spanking of my life while I also still wanted the very same man to fuck me. It was like his wild nature had taken over me and I simply wanted to satiate the animalistic need inside of me, too.

The further he moved away, the stronger those feelings became.

Sweat beaded at the edges of my brow. A single droplet dripped down the length of my spine as I lay there over the fallen log, my scalded backside still high up in the air.

I’d thought I was wet before. Now, I was literally soaked.

My inner thighs were dripping with my arousal, and I couldn’t make it stop. My clit pulsed and my nipples throbbed.

This heated arousal was so much worse than all the times I’d touched myself under the covers in bed. I held onto the log, trying not to move, but my hips rocked just a hair, and the man stopped dead in his tracks. Slowly, I pushed myself off the log and climbed onto unsteady feet, all while keeping a watch on him.

I stilled, not knowing what else to do.

The passionate need I was feeling seemed unnaturally strong, so much so that my core cramped viciously hard, and I pitched forward with a mournful cry. His face hardened as he peered back at me. When the cramping passed, I stood back up straight as my body continued to betray me right before his eyes. My nipples were rock hard. My thighs were beyond slick, and every inch of my bare flesh felt like it was on fire. My punished backside was scorching hot, but the sting had morphed into scalding hot desire. Everything inside me was calling to him, and I couldn’t make it stop.

He lifted his head the tiniest bit and sniffed the air.

Could he smell my arousal?

My thighs pressed together, and my face flushed heatedly. Did I like that? What even was he, and why did I want to find out?

With my eyes trained on him, I watched his restraint ripple over his colossal form, and then my heart stopped as I saw him lose that battle. He took a step towards me and his face hardened.

“Run, human. Run before it’s too late.”



Iwantedto heed his warning.

But I didn’t.

Instead of running, I stood starkly still. Somewhere deep down, I think a part of me wanted to test fate to see what he’d do.

I swallowed hard, watching his muscles ripple once more as he fisted his hands at his sides. His chest rose and fell with the exertion of keeping his instincts at bay, but then the wind picked up enough to caress my bare skin and lift my long, dark flowing hair right off my shoulders. It carried my scent straight towards him, and he stiffened like he’d been slapped across the face.

His eyes narrowed as he bared his teeth.

“Or else what?” I dared.

“You’re playing with fire,” he spat through gritted teeth.
