Page 65 of Feral King

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He guided me forward, and I sucked in a breath, taken aback by the regal opulence of the bedroom as I took it all in for the first time.

The walls were draped in luxurious emerald-colored tapestries, creating a sense of grandeur, their intricate designs depicting scenes of valor and battle. Soft golden light spilled from elegant candelabras, casting a warm glow upon the chamber’s ornate furnishings.

At the center of the room stood a grand four-poster bed, its intricately carved, dark wooden frame reaching towards the ceiling. Cascading emerald-hued curtains enveloped the bed, creating an intimate sanctuary within the spacious chamber. The bedding, adorned with golden embroidery, beckoned with promises of plush comfort and rest.

Adjacent to the bed, there was a polished wooden desk, its surface adorned with parchments and lavish inkwells. Delicate quills awaited the king’s touch, poised to transcribe his thoughts and commands onto parchment with meticulous care. Surrounding the desk, there were shelves lined with ancient tomes and priceless artifacts that displayed the wisdom and history of the realm.

In one corner, a seating area beckoned, upholstered in lush green velvet. Rich golden accents embellished the furniture, their complex patterns mirroring the grandeur of the chamber. A large, intricately designed mirror hung on the wall, reflecting the room’s beauty and amplifying its sense of space.

A magnificent table lined the wall before us, its surface adorned with a lavish feast. Silver platters heaped with succulent roasted meats, tender vegetables, and fragrant herbs beckoned with their tantalizing aromas. Gleaming silver chalices brimming with rich, dark red wines reflected the copious amount of flickering candlelight that danced across the room. Bowls of luscious, ripe fruits overflowed, their vibrant colors adding a refreshing touch amidst the decadence. My mouth watered at the sight.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close against him as I took in the sight of our regal chambers. His chin settled on top of my head, and he cleared his throat.

As Roken’s strong arms enveloped me in a tender embrace, I felt a surge of warmth and adoration wash over me. In his embrace, I found solace and a sense of belonging, as if all the uncertainties and trials we had endured had been worth it to lead us to this moment.

“I spoke to my people earlier, my queen, but now I want to speak to you and you alone,” he murmured.

My stomach cinched tight with sudden nerves, and I clutched at his arms. “Roken?”

“I want to thank you for all that you have done, my sweet mate. Without you, none of this would have ever been possible. My curse would have never been broken. I would have never taken back the crown, and my realm would have been lost to the Dark King without you.”

I opened and closed my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing felt like it carried the emotion that was swelling in my heart.

“Tonight is not to be a punishment, but a reminder of just how proud I am of you and to show you I can be a king worthy of you, my sweet mate,” he continued.

“What’s going to happen?” I asked, my voice quivering with trepidation and slowly building arousal.

“I’m going to mark you, first with my belt and then with my teeth,” he purred.

My core constricted tight with arousal, my nerves torching with sudden heat.

“Your belt?” I asked, my voice husky with desire.

“I threatened you with my leather strap once, pretty girl. I did not forget the wetness seeping down your thighs at the mere mention of it,” he threatened heatedly.

Carefully, he lifted his hands and untied the cord holding the corseted back of my gown closed. He unthreaded it bit by bit, snapping the ties against my skin as he slowly bared my back. I sucked in a breath, the slight sting a promise of the pleasurable night to come. With every strike, my curiosity about the use of his belt amplified, so much so that I found myself looking forward to the moment he bent me over the bed and used it on me.

Would I like it? Would it sting as much as I thought it would?

When he pulled the cord out of the last rungs of my corset, he pulled hard enough to snap it one last final time across my back. I arched back, the sting of the leather ends striking across my naked flesh, pain radiating in sharp jolts straight into my core. As the sting began to lessen, heated desire followed, and it took everything in me to remain still.

“Show me,” I whispered.

“I plan to give you everything you could ever wish for, my queen,” he promised.

Slowly, he guided each sleeve of my dress down my arm until it pooled around my hips. When he pushed it past my waist down to the floor, he offered me a hand as I stepped out of it. His eyes roved over my body as I stood before him, dressed in nothing more than a pair of gold heels.

He circled around me, his gaze dark and purposeful as he studied my bare flesh. Purposefully, he reached for me and grazed the tips of his fingers lightly along my skin, causing fiery tingles of sensation to race across my arm. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from gasping out loud.

“You are absolutely regal, my queen. Every inch of you is a sight to behold, and I’m lucky to call you mine,” he breathed.

He stepped close and curled his arms around my waist, dragging his fingers up and down my bare flesh. With my back to his chest, I sighed, enveloped in the safe haven of his arms. I pressed my head back against him as he squeezed me tight.

“Let me explore this beautiful body. I want to see every inch of you before I mark you as mine,” he purred.

A heated shiver raced down my spine as he brushed my hair over my shoulder and pressed his lips to the side of my throat. I gasped, unable to keep myself quiet this time. I felt his lips curve with his smile against my neck. He trailed his kisses all over my shoulders, following the line of my collarbone and down my arm all the way to the tops of my knuckles. He spent time kissing each one, igniting my body with sordid desire.
