Page 34 of Dangerous Vows

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And it also feels so fucking good.

His tongue slides over my lower lip, teasing, urging my mouth open. His hands drop to my waist, both of them, pulling me against him a little more urgently. Ihearmy soft intake of breath as his hips press against mine, and I feel the thick ridge of his cock against me through the soft wool of his suit trousers and the lace of my skirt. I feel his hands tighten against my waist, hear his low groan as his tongue sweeps into my mouth, and I forget that I’m not supposed to want this.

What I can’t forget is that I’m not supposed to know what I’m doing.

It’s not hard when it comes to the kissing. I’ve only kissed one man, and Theo is much different from Adrik. Adrik kisses me possessively, hungrily, and Theo is kissing me as if he wants to taste every bit of my mouth, his lips brushing over and sucking lightly at mine, his tongue sliding over my lower lip and into my mouth, the scrape of his light stubble against my chin different from the smoothness of Adrik’s face. There’s a restrained heat in the way Theo kisses me, as if he knows he might devour me if he let himself loose, and there’s something darkly exciting about that. It makes me wonder what he would be like if hedidlet loose, if he released the control that I can feel him hanging onto, and fucked me exactly the way I can feel that he wants to.

His hands slide up my back, fingers brushing over the row of buttons, and I let my hands drop to the open space at the top of his shirt, my fingertips touching the dark auburn hair there. That, too, is new. I find myself suddenly curious to see more, to see what’s underneath the crisp button-down, and I start to slip the buttons free, revealing inch by inch the muscled chest beneath it.

Theo groans, breaking the kiss as his lips graze over my jaw, and I feel a flush of sensation over my skin. His mouth slides upwards, lips trailing over the shell of my ear, to the soft spot between my ear and my jaw, and I let out a sudden gasp as I feel a jolt of pleasure.

“Ah,” he chuckles lightly, brushing his lips there again. “That’s a spot you like then, aye?”

I hear that burr of an accent, and it sends another shiver of pleasure through me. I’d liked it when I first heard him speak, but hearing it laced with desire is something else altogether. I swallow hard as I feel his cock twitch against my thigh, through the layers of clothing.

My own arousal is rising too quickly, too fast. I suck in a breath as his lips brush against my neck, and take a step back, breaking the contact between our bodies as I undo the last button of his shirt and pull it out of his trousers.

“I—” I try to catch my breath, hoping I can play it off as virginal nervousness instead of what it is—fear of how much I’m starting towant. I can feel the pulsing ache beginning to spread through me, that heated need to be touched and kissed andfilled, but it feels so different with Theo. Adrik would have already been inside of me by now, and the delayed gratification is so good, building the need in a way that I’ve never experienced—and that threatens to pull me under like a tide.

“I want to see you,” I whisper in a trembling voice, and Theo’s mouth quirks up a little at the corners.

“Can’t deny my wife that,” he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. He shrugs the shirt off of his shoulders, letting me watch as it slides off of him, revealing a leanly muscled chest dusted with that dark auburn hair, and tautly muscled shoulders leading into arms that are the same. He’s fitter than I would have expected—his arms are lean, but look as if he could lift me without effort. His stomach is flat and taut, bisected by a line of definition that leads into the waist of his trousers in a way that suddenly makes me want to run my tongue over his skin.

I see the thick ridge straining against his fly twitch again, pressing against the fabric, and I know he’s enjoying my eyes on him as much as I’m enjoying looking. I don’t know if it’s an optical illusion, but he lookshuge. Long and thick and possibly bigger than what I’ve had before.

Before the night is over, I’ll know what that feels like inside of me.The thought tightens something low in my belly, and I feel horribly torn between wanting to draw it out as long as possible, and wanting him to get it over with, so I can stop wrestling with this awful desire. I think I could probably push him to the point of being unable to stop himself from simply fucking me the way he wants to—but if I do that, I risk him realizing that I’m not as innocent as he believes.

Theo tosses the shirt to the floor, stepping towards me again, and his hands on my waist turn me slowly so that my back is to him. “My turn, lass,” he says in that low, thick voice, and it sends another shiver down my spine as I feel him reach up, brushing my hair away from my neck.

His lips press against the nape of my neck, and I let out a small, involuntary gasp.

I hear the soft vibration of his amusement against my skin as he does it again, his fingers nimbly undoing the first button of my dress. He begins to undress me as slowly as he’s done everything else, his fingers sliding down my spine as each button comes free, until the dress is undone down to my waist.

His hands slide against my skin, under the dress against my waist, and my head tips back as I let out a shuddering breath that ends on a moan as his hands slide upwards, over the taut skin of my stomach and up my ribs, his fingers caressing the small curves of my breasts.

He’s barely touched me, and I can already feel that my panties are soaked. The silk fabric is clinging between my thighs, and I know when he finally does slip a hand between my legs, he’ll find me dripping wet for him. I can’t imagine what it will feel like when he actually does start to touch me in earnest.

“You could just take it off,” I whisper, my voice still trembling, and Theo goes still behind me, his hands still splayed over my skin, below my breasts. Slowly, he slips his hands free of my dress, turning me again to face him, the dress still clinging loosely to my shoulders.

“I could,” he agrees, his fingers sliding up my arms, leaving prickles of gooseflesh in their wake with every touch. “But you were meant to be savored, Marika.Enjoyed.” He draws in a slow breath, pulling me closer once again, his hand lifting to tip my chin up so that I’m looking directly into those fern-green eyes. “I want nothing more right now than to lay you back on that bed, drag your dress up above your thighs and fuck you hard and fast.” His mouth is close to mine, his breath warm against my lower lip, whiskey and the musk of warm male skin filling the air around me. It’s enough to make me tremble with a kind of desire that I’ve never felt before. “I want to sink my cock into you and fuck you like an animal claiming its mate—but you deserve better than that, tonight of all nights. You deserve gentleness.” His thumb presses against my lip, his gaze heavy on mine. “You are the closest thing our world has to a princess, Marika. You are a treasure, and I refuse to take it lightly that you have been given to me.”

His hand slides into my hair, and I feel the few pins in it loosen as he steps closer. “There will be time for me to do the things I’ve thought about, to touch you in the ways I crave. But not tonight.”

And then his mouth comes down on mine, and it’s all I can do to remember the role that I have to play.

My hands press against his chest, fingers curling against the soft hair there, the muscled flesh, and I moan into the kiss. His hands grip the lace at my shoulders, drawing it down slowly so it falls over my arms, the bodice of my wedding gown clinging to the tops of my small breasts for a moment before it falls away, leaving me bare against him from the waist up, flesh to flesh. I arch into him, gasping as he kisses me harder than before, giving me a taste of that carefully leashed desire. I can feel my pulse throbbing through my veins, my skin tight and sensitive as his fingers slide over the curves of my breasts again.

“Marika—” he groans my name against my lips, his hands pushing the dress down over my hips and letting it puddle to the floor, leaving me in nothing but the white silk panties that I’d had on beneath it. “I want to taste you,” he whispers against my mouth, and then he’s backing me towards the bed, lifting me onto it, so that I’m in the middle of the cloud-soft mattress with my head sinking back into the mountain of pillows.

He’s still half dressed, and his cock looks as if it’s about to burst through his fly, he’s so hard. He joins me on the bed, looking down at me like a starving man observing a feast. He leans over me, gently nudging my legs apart so that he can kneel between them as he bends to kiss me again.

There’s no hesitation in me this time. He kisses like he’s perfecting an art, his mouth teasing and nipping and sucking lightly at mine. I can’t stop myself from touching him in return, letting my fingers slide over the ridges and valleys of muscle along his chest, his stomach, his arms.I’m going to be in his bed one way or another,I tell myself as I feel myself melting into the kisses, my body hot and alive with a rapidly building desire formore.Is it so wrong to get at least a little pleasure out of it?

His mouth feels hot as a brand as it slides over my jaw and down my throat, his hands finally moving higher than the curves beneath my breasts. I hadn’t realized just how tightly he had me wound until his fingers slide over my nipples, and I gasp against his mouth, my hips jerking at the sudden sensation blooming over my skin.

Theo pulls back, his eyes darkening with lust as he looks at me. “Feels good, lass?” he murmurs, strumming his fingers over my stiff nipples again, and I moan as he lightly pinches them, sending bursts of pleasure through me. It feels as if there’s a direct line to my clit, which feels swollen and sensitive, aching to be touched. He hasn’t even come close yet, and I’m starting to feel a little desperate.

I nod breathlessly, glad that I can’t speak. My shock at how good everything he’s doing feels, and my surprise at the way he’s going about all of it can reasonably translate into innocence about how all of this works, but I still don’t trust myself entirely. I’m afraid at every moment that something I do or say will betray the fact that this isn’t my first time.
