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Hewantedme to.

His finger slipped inside me and pumped deep, twisting in a way that coaxed all the simmering nerve endings back to brutal awareness. I rocked into his hand, wordlessly asking for more, and he slid in another finger, curving them and circling the spot inside that caused my knees to tremble even harder.

My thighs shook and I gasped for the air that suddenly seemed to be in short supply.

God, what was he doing to me?

He didn’t continue to slide in and out. He barely even moved his fingers. But that laser-like touch right where I hadn’t realized I needed it was bringing me higher than I’d ever been before.

“Jed,” I moaned, digging my nails into his table. I couldn’t hold on. Couldn’t let go. “It’s too much.”

“Take more.”

What choice did I have? He was still rubbing my flesh, the rough pads of his fingers insistent, and the urgency inside my core was rolling out to encompass every part of me. Every cell.

I folded over the table, caught between trying to escape his hand and to trap it inside me, rising up on my tiptoes to seek more of the impossible heat growing inside me. I couldn’t bear it. My nipples dragged over the wood, and I squirmed, trying to get relief for my swollen nipples without relinquishing my hold on the table.

I needed his hands everywhere. His mouth.

His cock.

“I’m going to remove my fingers now.”

I could only whimper. He’d hypnotized me with his ministrations and his voice.

God, his voice.

“As soon as I thrust inside you, you’re going to come. Understand me, Peyton?”

Not Rulebreaker. Just my name, used to seduce.

I jerked my head in my best imitation of a nod, hoping it was enough. The sound of a foil packet being opened made me relax even as he drew his hand away, though the heavy wet pressure of his fingers on my hip as he positioned me reminded me without a doubt who was in charge.

Bothof us.

He might make the rules, but I was the one who said if they worked. I knew he would stop if I asked.

The knowledge was improbable, considering I’d known him all of a couple of hours. That didn’t mean it was wrong. I trusted my instincts.

I also trusted that the thick cock pressing against my soaked pussy was going to rock my world in ways I’d never imagined.

“Ready?” he said against my ear, his hot breath making me shiver.

I could only nod. I hadn’t forgotten his command, and boy, my body was prepared to comply.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me backward, impaling me to the hilt. Somehow he dragged over that sensitive spot inside my walls just right to bring me to the edge of orgasm, though the spasms didn’t fully move through me until he started to pull out, so slowly that I would’ve sworn his cock was finishing the work his fingers had started.

Applying pressure justthere.

My head dropped back to his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my midsection and hauled me upward, making me take his cock deeper even while my body clenched and released. He grunted in my ear and bent his legs, powering into me so hard that I kicked off against the table, my booted foot anchoring to the edge.

“Yes. Just like that.” He closed his big hand over one of my needy breasts and my toes curled in my boots.

Quivers rolled down my legs and I couldn’t find purchase. My freestanding leg wobbled, threatening to send me to the floor. Only his strong arm around my belly and the fullness of his cock driving me up again and again kept me from collapsing in a heap.

He’d fucked me boneless, and he wasn’t close to through.

His teeth grazed the side of my neck and I shifted my head, offering him more. I wanted him to bite me, to give an outlet to the ache already building inside me again.
