Page 13 of Riding Savage

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I don’t have time for this conversation. I need to find Mike, kick his ass, and get back to the clinic for Nora. I’d like to say she gets a choice in whether or not I’m there, but she doesn’t. I’m not letting her catch a ride home. That’s not happening. I stand from the chair. “I’ve heard.”

“It’s shit. You participating?”

The auction is for bachelors. I’m not sure I qualify as such anymore. Even if Nora doesn’t want me, she has my heart, and that’s that. “Nah. I’m… I think I’m seeing someone.”

“You think?”

“I’m in a hurry, man. I don’t know about the auction.”

Brick stands straight, crossing his arms over one another. The anchor on his forearm really pops. I didn’t realize until now he has a bull hanging off one of the edges. Questions abound regarding that, but again, I don’t have time.

He doesn’t take the hint. “Yeah, it’s just not my thing. A bunch of lonely women all buying men for the night. Fuck that.”

Brick is the kind of guy that’s rejected commitment at every angle. He doesn’t want a woman. He doesn’t need a woman. He’s a lone wolf and he’s fine with that. “It’s for charity. Just do it. It’s a good way to meet people. Plus, it’s a requirement of the MC. All bachelors have to participate every year. I did it last year, and it wasn’t so bad. I spent the evening with Mrs. Robinson. She made me pasta and strawberry pie. You don’t want to do it, get with someone before next month, and you’re good to go.”

“Yeah.” Brick grins as though he’s halfway into a plan. “What the hell are you in such a hurry about, anyway?”

I push past him and toward the door. “Unless you want to fuck someone up with me, I’m going to have to fill you in later.”

His grin grows even wider as he turns toward me. “Now you’re speaking my language. We’re brothers in arms, man. Let’s go.”

Chapter Seven


I didn’t find my phone out on the road, but thankfully Beth didn’t mind taking me into town for a new one. Unthankfully, Doc has called at least half a dozen times since yesterday. I don’t want to talk to him.Not now, not ever.What’s the point in torturing myself with someone I can never have? Nothing he says can change who Mike is. A psycho. A maniac. A destructive bastard who should be exiled from the mountain on pure stupidity alone.

“You shouldn’t let Mike hold you back, Nora. He’s an asshole. The more space you give assholes to asshole the worse they get.” Beth and I became quick friends on the way home from the clinic. I didn’t expect Doc to show back up. I practically pushed him out, but I was kind of shocked he didn’t. “Seriously,” Beth sighs, “Doc is great. Don’t miss out on something perfect because of a moron like Mike.”

“He’s more than a moron, Beth. He could ruin everything I’ve worked for. He knows so many people.” I dig my hand into the popcorn bowl and pull up a buttery handful of goodness. “Besides, why would I ever ruin Doc’s family. They’re blood. I can’t do that.”

“Doc has called you twelve,” she picks up my phone and stares at the screen, “no, thirteen times in the last twelve hours. At least give the man a chance to explain. You’d be coyote food right now if it weren’t for him.”

I know she’s right in more ways than one. Not only would I be puppy chow, but Doc also saved me from myself. He woke something up in me that I haven’t felt… ever.

Beth passes me the phone. “Please, call him.”

“What if he’s calling because he wants to tell me I’m right? What if he wants to—”

“You know that’s not why he’s calling. No one calls fifteen times because they want to tell you thatyou’re right.”

“The number of times he’s called keeps going up.” I laugh.

She grins. “It’s for dramatic effect. Call him!”

“No! You call him! You’re single, and you think he’s great. I bet you guys would be cute together.”

“Yeah,” she shakes her head, “I’m not into the MC guys. They’re so… alpha.” She says it like it’s a bad thing. “The look is hot, but the whole ‘rebel’ thing is pretty dated.”

“What? You don’t like a man who takes control?”

She shakes her head. “No. I like to make all my own decisions. I let a man take control once, and he fucked me over. But we’re not talking about me. If I were to guess… I’d say deep down you know that Mike can’t ruin what you’ve built. He might make it difficult, but you know he can’t take it away. You’re worried about getting hurt again. That’s why you won’t call Doc back.”

A truck rumbles outside, and a door shuts heavily.

Beth and I glance toward each other with wide eyes then peek out the front window.

“Oh fuck. He’s here.” She stands from the couch and offers me a quick hug. “That’s my cue. I have to get back to the kids, anyway. You’ve got this. Don’t close yourself off to love. You deserve to be happy.”
