Page 17 of Riding Savage

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“What are you two fighting about?” Doc kisses my forehead as he passes by. He’s dragging his tackle box and fishing pole through the house again. It’s only been six weeks, and the ink has barely dried on the wedding certificate, but we’ve already had this conversation a dozen times.

“Can you set that stuff outside? It smells like fish and my stomach is so sick.”

“Fuck.” He kisses my lips and grabs the gear from the counter, setting it on the porch before swinging the door closed. “Sorry Cookie… old habits.”

“That’s okay. Hopefully this morning sickness ends soon. I can’t even walk by the bakery on Main without feeling sick.”

“What is it about the bakery?” Brick sips his beer as he talks.

“They make this ricotta chee—” I shake my head. “I can’t even say it without feeling sick.”

Doc rubs my back and holds me close. “It will be over soon, and we’ll be on to the best part of this pregnancy.”

He glances toward Brick. “What are you stressing her out about? Don’t tell me it’s this damn auction again.”

“It’s the damn auction again.” I laugh and lay my head against his shoulder as my hand sinks into his. “He wants to approach Beth with terms of a fake relationship so he can avoid the whole thing. Tell him how dumb that is.”

Doc shakes his head. “The MC finds out about that, and they’ll be pissed. Why are you so desperate to get out of this?”

Brick shrugs. “Doesn’t feel right.”

“A charity event doesn’t feel right?” Doc’s tone is sarcastic. “How so?”

“Look, last year I got set up with Victoria Peterson. Do you know her?”


“That’s right because she came from five hundred miles away to cash in on a date with a big, rugged biker.”

I grin. “Sounds like a smart lady.”

“She was. Super smart. She spent the entire night telling me about ions and atoms and some bullshit about nuclear formulas.”

“Okay… that seems like a fine conversation forcharity.” I bite back laughter.

“You only get one life. I’ll donate the money if it means I’m not dating a stranger. Beth and I have talked a few times. We can work something out.”

My stomach knots. I know deep down Brick is a nice guy. Last week I watched him help a guy change his tire in the middle of a rainstorm. He didn’t have to do that. Then again, he’s also the most extreme sort of loner I’ve ever met. I’m surprised he even joined the MC. I picture his type nestled into the mountainside on a mission of solitude with a gun perched next to him.

Doc shakes his head and leans into my ear. “I’ll talk to him. Are you sure you don’t want to go fishing with us?”

“Yeah. I’m positive. I think I’ll stay here and work on the app. I have some emails from the developer I need to read. You guys have fun. Bring home anything but fish for dinner, okay?”

He kisses my lips gently and slowly as his arms hook around my waist. “What sounds good?”

“Besides you?”

Brick gags playfully in the background. “Okay… you guys are sick. I’ll be outside.”

“Finally, he’s gone.” Doc’s finger lifts my chin, and he leans into my lips again and again. “I don’t want to go anymore. I want to stay here and take you back to bed.”

“I want that too, but I think you need to go now. Brick has lost it. He can’t mess with Beth.”

Doc draws in a deep breath. “I’ll talk to him and figure out what’s really going on. You don’t work too hard today, okay? I want to come home to a rested Cookie.”

I gaze up at the man I’m so desperately in love with and land a kiss on his lips.

I never imagined I’d be someone’s wife, and I certainly never thought children would be in my future. But as I take in the soft scent of pine on Doc’s chest and feel his big arms holding me tight, I know this is where I’m meant to be.

Right here in the middle of nowhere, on a ranch in the mountains with the man that saved me from coyotes. A man that gave me a happily ever after of my very own.
