Page 4 of Riding Savage

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I grin. “Actually, they haven’t. It was a well laid out plan on my part. Work, then work, and finally more work. With all that, there’s no time left for feelings.” I laugh. “That’s what normal people do, right?”

She laughs as I examine her leg further. “Your leg doesn’t look as bad now that we’ve gotten it cleaned. No bones sticking out and no signs of internal bleeding. I would say it’s possibly a hairline fracture or a bone contusion. The reason you can’t move it at this point is the swelling. That should pass before too long, but we should still get you to the hospital for x-rays to confirm it’s not something that needs to be professionally set.”

“Okay, well, I hope you’re right. I really don’t have time for a broken leg.”

I smile and stand from the ottoman, making my way back into the kitchen to flip the grilled cheese and pour the tea. “What about this revelation you had out on the dirt?”

“Yeah… I don’t know. I was on the side of the road, alone and cold, thinking coyotes were going to eat me for dinner and I wondered who the hell would even care.” Her tone is raw and broken.

“Fuck.” I pour the tea and load the tray, carrying it into the living room. “That’s heavy. What about your sister?”

“That’s not what I mean.” She sighs. “You don’t ever feel sad that no one will care if you die?”

I glance at her, biting back laughter. “Wow, dragging me into this too? Maybe I’ll take that dinner back to the kitchen and make you earn it.”

She smiles as she bites into her sandwich. “I’m sorry. That was rude. It’s not what I meant. I mean… don’t you ever think about life and want something more, like a partner?”

“Yeah.” I nod and go back to scrubbing her legs as she eats. “I do. I’d love someone to spend the days fucking around with, but—”

“Are you lonely?”

“Why are you asking about me? Are you… lonely?”

She lifts the teacup and sips slowly before answering, “Yeah. I am. I mean, what’s all this for if I don’t have someone to share it with, you know?”

I nod, continuing to move the cloth back and forth on her soft leg. “For sure. It’s hard. You should use your app. You believe in it, right?”

“I do, but it wouldn’t make sense for me to use it. Besides, I’m looking for something most people aren’t.” She looks away, then back toward me. “I should be rubbing your back. You got bruised from the hail. I’m so sorry you didn’t have a shirt on. Where were you coming back from when you found me? You never said.”

I check my shoulder for bruising I hadn’t noticed. Sure enough, there are quite a few welts, but they’ll heal. “I had to pick up some dinner plates for the lodge. Apparently, we’re sticking with the classic white with gold rims. A little fancy for my taste, but I think they’re calling the placerustic chic.”

“So clean, but dirty looking?”

I laugh. “Something like that. We’re pretty much finished with the place, just a few details now. Should be open by November. You’ll have to come out and stay. We’re planning a bunch of holiday festivities.”

“You guys pick a name yet?”

“Balsam Creek Lodge. It’s about as clever as a bunch of bikers can do. If you build a lodge next to Balsam Creek, everyone pats themselves on the back when someone suggests Balsam Creek Lodge.” I smile and glance up toward her as she continues to eat. It’s good to see her enjoying a meal. “You never finished your sentence earlier. What are you looking for that doesn’t exist?”

Her gaze widens as she glances toward me. “What if you used my dating app? You said you’re lonely.”

“We’re talking about you right now.”

“I’m fine.”

“A second ago, you were having a crisis.”

“Well, I’m a lost cause. You, though, you have a lot to offer.”

“What? No, I don’t. People my age don’t go starting new relationships. People my age are supposed to have figured this part out already.”

“You couldn’t. You were saving people’s lives and becoming a valued member of society. All of that has left you with a lot to offer. Trust me.”

I scrub my hand down over my beard. My ego likes this conversation, but it’s imbalanced. “You have a lot to offer, too. You’re smart, gorgeous, tenacious, and you go after what you want. Most people are content to only dream big, but not you. You’re making it happen.”

Her gaze holds on mine for a few solid seconds before a grin creeps onto her face. “You think I’m gorgeous?”

“Yes. I also said you’re smart, tenacious, and motivated.”
