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I glance back over at Miss Holier-Than-Thou Librarian. What was her name? Isabelle?

Yes, Isabelle Garren.

I clear my throat. “Ms. Garren, I am not seeing visitors today. Please send your request to my staff and it will be addressed through the proper channels,” I manage through gritted teeth. The audacity of this woman. If I wasn’t in such a piss-poor mood, I’d almost be impressed by her stubbornness.

“Funny you should mention that. I have,” she replies with a deadpan stare.

“Wonderful, then I’m sure they will be back in touch with you shortly,” I say as I motion for what must be the tenth time, to the hallway.

She shifts her weight again and cocks her head to one side. “Are your staff inept?” she asks, raising that eyebrow at me again.

I feel my face begin to flush with anger. “No,” I growl.

“Oh, because I have emailed. Then, as instructed, written my request. And then emailed again. Ten times to be exact over three months. Yet, I have received nothing more than a form response. So, please tell me how great your staff are,” she says as her hand releases from her crossed arms to make a motion for me to continue.

I take a step back toward her and point at her chest. “My staff are the best. And if they haven’t replied to your request, it is because the request is not of importance to my very large corporation. Now leave.”

We both stand, chests heaving as we stare at each other. For a split second, I think she isn’t going to budge, but then she closes her eyes for a brief moment. I look down at her long, dark lashes resting on her freckle-dotted cheeks. Even through her glasses, I can see she wears no makeup. Her beauty is one hundred percent natural. A single curly tendril of hair escapes her bun and falls across her cheek. For reasons that I can’t explain, my hand itches to reach out and tuck it behind her ear. She beats me to it.

She licks her lips and I watch as her tongue dampens the pink skin. Her cheeks heat under my stare and she looks down at her dog, who has joined mine at her feet.

“Come on, Felipe. Let’s go,” she says quietly as she steps around me and walks out of my office. I follow her because unlike what she thinks, I’m not a monster and I’m certainly aware of how to be a good host, I just chose not to host, not anymore.

Her heels click on the marble tiles of my foyer floor as she walks across the grand entryway toward the doors. She turns the knob and nothing happens. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and call my staff to see her out because all of my staff have left for the evening.

So instead, I step behind, reaching for the handle myself. For the briefest of moments, our hands touch and an electric current passes between our fingers. Ms. Garren swiftly pulls her hand back. I take a breath, steadying myself from what I can only assume is static electricity, and I rattle the doorknob as I press outward. The door creaks open and a blast of snow blows in at us.

I feel her shiver with her back pressed against my front. I peer outside. It’s a full-on blizzard. Were we expecting snow? I squint trying to see into the darkness beyond the light of my front door. All I see is white and a car. It’s mostly coated in snow now, but I can make out enough to know that the car is not road-worthy on a sunny day, much less on one like today.

I pull the door closed and step back.

Ms. Garren’s dog sits next to her staring up at me as though I’m a god or a mythical creature that will give him treats on demand. I look from him to her. She’s staring at me in total confusion.

“W-what are you doing?” she asks, her eyes wide with confusion and…fear? Is she afraid of me?

“You can’t drive home in that,” I state. Memories that I wish I didn’t have, begin to unfurl from the crevices in my brain where I pushed them. I feel my jaw clench and all my muscles tighten. My answer is non-negotiable. No one and I mean no one will be driving in that weather. Not on my watch.

She rolls her eyes. “Of course, I can,” she says as she spins back around and grabs the doorknob. I step around her, pushing her hand off my door.

“No. You can’t. You may stay the night. You can drive home once the roads are cleared tomorrow,” I announce.

“I have a car and I know how to drive in the snow,” she grumbles and crosses her arms again as she turns around and faces me again.

I laugh sarcastically. “That,” I say, motioning to the car that’s beyond the door, “is not a car. That is a death trap.”

I reach over her and bolt the door by turning the giant skeleton key. Then I remove it and slip it into my pocket.

I hear her sharp intake of breath as I lean over her. I pull back and look down at her.

“You’re staying here. End of discussion,” I snarl as I give her a pointed look before turning and walking away.



Did I just get kidnapped? Is locking me in his mansion kidnapping? Well, either way, it’s most definitely illegal. There is no way in hell that I’m spending the night in a stranger’s home. This guy is a total jerk!

“Where do you think you’re going?” I ask as I jog after him with Felipe, Ames, and Isaac in tow. I hadn’t even realized that his dogs had followed me to the front hall.
