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Adam clenches his jaw and I bite back a smile. It’s become our norm. We push each other’s buttons and I love every minute of it. I love that Adam doesn’t back down and that he pushes me to be better. And I do the same for him. We’re a team. I would have never imagined dating someone like him, yet now that he’s a part of my life, I can’t imagine living without him.

“There,” Adam says. I follow the direction where he points, and I slow Cleo to a stop.

“It’s…the falls?” I question as I slide off Cleo and walk to the edge of the water.

“Yes,” he says as he joins me.

“Wait, you’re telling me that this entire time, you knew where the real Storyview Falls were, and you never said anything?” I ask incredulously.

He shrugs and presses his lips together.

“Adam George Wellington!” I slap his arm and he laughs.

I stare back at the pond with a waterfall. There are lily pads and huckleberry bushes and wildflowers everywhere.

“It’s so beautiful. You know the entire town thinks that dried-up waterfall over by the Peckering Cliffs is where the town got its name. But there’s this rumor…” I trail off as I look back at the falls.

“That there were other falls that fed a magic pond?” I ask.

“Yeah, that contained the fountain of youth,” I finish, my eyes widening. I turn to him. “Wait, this isn’t a fountain of youth, is it?”

He laughs. “No. That part isnottrue.”

“Bummer,” I say as I look back at the pond. I see some cardinals on a tree, and I smile. “It’s perfect here.”

“There’s just one thing that would make it more perfect,” he says from behind me.

“What’s that?” I ask. When I don’t get an answer, I spin to look at him. My breath hitches as I find Adam on his knee, holding out the most beautiful garnet-and-diamond ring that I’ve ever seen.

“Isabelle Lisette Garren, you are the soul that completes mine. I didn’t know how badly I needed you until I almost lost you just after finding you. I don’t ever want to feel that loss again. I want to spend as much time as we have on this earth together, making it a better place. I want to play chess in the library and read in the conservatory and play with the dogs in the yard and eat Elisha’s cookies and Leo’s ice cream together. I just want to be with you, always. Please make me the happiest man on earth and be mine, be my wife?” he asks.

I look down into those brilliant blue eyes as mine fill with tears.

I nod. “Yes,” I whisper.

“Yes?” he asks as if he misheard.

“Yes!” I cry out and jump into his arms knocking us to the ground.

He laughs and rolls us over. I hold up my hand and he slides the ring on it.

“I love it,” I say as I admire it.

“It was my mother’s,” he says quietly.

“It’s perfect,” I reply as I grin at him.

“We’re perfect,” he adds as he leans down and kisses me. And just like that, I have my happily ever after.
