Page 124 of The Ice Kiss

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"Of course not." Penny rolls her eyes.

"The first word that came to mind when I saw Michael." Karma wheezes, then turns pale.

"Are you okay?" I grip her arm.

Summer holds her other. "You need to sit down, sis."

Together, we guide Karma to one of the settees. She sinks down into it and manages a smile.

"Have some water." Penny uncaps a bottle and offers it. Karma takes a few sips.

"I’m going to get Michael.”

The guys are in the VIP room down the corridor. Mira turns in the direction of the door, but Karma grabs her arm. "No, don’t, please. It’ll only worry him. I’m okay now."

I scan her features. She does look better. There’s more color on her cheeks. She hands the bottle back to Penny.

"I’m okay. Please, don’t let me distract you from the game." She sits up.

Summer scoots closer and cups her cheek. "You sure, little sister? Maybe you shouldn’t have come today."

"And miss all the excitement?” She rolls her eyes. “I’m pregnant, not sick."

"It puts so much more strain on your heart." Summer bites down on her bottom lip. "I’m surprised Michael agreed to have a second child."

"Oh, he didn’t."

"He didn’t?" I ask surprised.

"You could say I tricked him. Not that it took much convincing to do the deed." She nods.

Mira cackles. Penny chokes out a laugh.

I can’t see the mean ex-Mafia Don being tricked into doing anything, let alone having a child with the woman whose life might be in danger now that she’s pregnant. I heard from Penny how Karma suffers from a heart-condition which resulted in a complicated first pregnancy. Being pregnant again could be a major health risk for her. So it stands to reason her husband would be concerned.

"Are you sure you’re okay?" I lower my chin.

She meets my gaze and half smiles. "Truth is, I am not okay. I was aware of the risks when I decided to get pregnant. Aware that my husband would not be happy because I went against his wishes without telling him. But I wanted this child." She places her hand on her stomach. "And I know he wanted a second child, too. Of course, not at the risk of my health, but Michael deserves a larger family, and I can give it to him."

"You’re putting yourself in danger," I warn her.

"I’m aware." Her smile grows. Her expression is serene. "But it’s worth every chance, every unpredictability, every precariousness along the way. What’s life if you don’t live it to the fullest, eh?" She laughs.

She’s right, if only I could be more like her. If only I could look past everything he did and be with him again, because without him, my life is far from full. My every day is incomplete and the nights... unbearable.

"I wish you weren’t this stubborn." Summer takes her other hand in her own. "If something were to happen to you—"

"It won’t. And if it does, I’ll make arrangements to ensure Michael and the children are taken care of."

"Oh, Karma." Summer throws her arms about her sister.

The rest of us look at each other. These women are such an amazingly tight-knit group. They come from all walks of life, and the fact that Karma and Summer are sisters puts them at the core of this ever-growing tribe of wives and girlfriends who’ve given me such a soft landing in London. Leaving here means leaving all of them, too. I’m going to miss them. I grew up in L.A., come of age there, started my career and progressed, but I never managed to form connections the way I’ve done here, in just two months. I also forged an attachment of the heart here… And now, I'm going to break it.



I gain control of the puck and carry it up the right wing. Spotting Caspian streaking toward the net from the opposite side of the ice, I pass it across to him. Caspian receives the pass as he enters the left side of the crease. He outmaneuvers the Enforcers defenseman, and when he’s attacked by another, he shoots it back to me. I manage to redirect the puck, and it sails past their goalie and into the back of the net. The crowd yells in delight. My teammates erupt. It’s a 3-2 victory for us, and our first League win. Bloody hell, we did it.
