Page 147 of The Ice Kiss

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We stay wrapped in each other arms, enjoying the stillness, that calm when neither of us is compelled to speak aloud, yet our bodies and our souls commune in harmony.

He rubs his cheek against the top of my head. “Do we have to go out?” His voice rumbles up his chest. “Maybe they’ll wait. Maybe we could—"

"You guys, everyone is waiting. What are you up to? Oh—" Mira’s voice breaks off. "Umm, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt."

"You’re not." I lean back in my husband’s arms. We gaze at each other with that secret smile we’ve reserved only for each other.

"Ohh, you guys,"—Mira’s voice wobbles—"you’re so in love."

"Are you crying?" I finally turn, my husband tucking me into his side and walking forward with me.

"It’s just…" She fans herself. "It’s so beautiful to see the two of you together. You’re so into each other that my heart hurts. The way you look at each other. It’s clear you love… No, more than love… Youareeach other."

"Aww, thank you, Mira. That’s a beautiful thing to say."

"I know, I’m a romantic, but to see a love story come together in front of my eyes re-confirms it for me.”

She sniffles, and I find a tear sliding down my cheek. "You’re making me cry."

"Oh no, no, no, you don’t want to mess up your face, not before your wedding."

I laugh. "To be fair, we’ve already had one wedding ceremony." This one will be in front of our friends, in the new bookshop I renovated and opened in London. Somehow, my husband read my mind and knew how much I'd love to get married in a bookshop. So, he insisted we plan this. Plus, it's a chance to get all our friends together and have a party. Besides, the chance to look into his eyes and repeat our vows, this time, knowing it's for real and that he loves me? I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. "But this one is going to be special," I say softly.

"Very special."

I look up to find Rick looking at me with what I can only describe as a love-light shining in his eyes. I know the same is reflected back from me.

With the right man, no words are needed. Nor gestures. Nor grand gestures. Don't get me wrong. Those things don't hurt. But all you really need is a look, a very special look you know he reserves for you.

The air crackles between us, that sizzle of electricity running up my spine. My entire body is flush with anticipation, with the need for him, a throbbing zing in my veins, and—

Mira clears her throat. "Umm, everyone is waiting… But if you need a little more time—"

Rick shakes his head. "We're ready."


"I’m not ready." Edward tightens his fingers around his glass of water. Then, as if he’s unable to stop himself, he tosses the contents into his mouth and swallows.

"You look like you need a drink, Priest," Finn drawls.

"You look like you’re ready for a new adventure," Sinclair drawls.

"I’m ready for something, but it’s not what my grandmother's asking of me." Edward’s jaw tics.

"If it wasn’t for my grandmother, I wouldn’t have found my soulmate," I offer.

"Grams, may her soul rest in peace, was an extraordinary woman. She loved you. My grandfather, on the other hand…" He shakes his head. "In all honesty, I didn’t know of his existence until a week ago."

"A week?" JJ frowns. "How’s that?"

"Turns out, my father was estranged from him, but Grandad’s taken it into his head he needs me in his life. I think he also sees it as an opportunity to bring my half-brothers in line."

"Thought you were an only child?" I search his features.

“Yeah, me too. Then…a week ago, I find out, not only do I have a grandparent I never met, but I also have a bunch of half-siblings…who hate me."

"Why do they hate you? They barely know you."
