Page 26 of The Ice Kiss

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"Actually,"—Finn edges forward in his seat—"I’m not sure he has a choice."

"Actually, he does." She slaps her palms on her hips. "He can turn down Dennis’ challenge to a fight."

"And lose face? If news of this gets out, he’ll become the laughingstock of the internet.”

Caspian's statement is followed by silence. The rest of the team look at him. The expressions on their features range from anger to frustration to derision.

And I’m the one who did that. I’m the one who put us all in this quandary. When I lunged for that wanker, Dennis, I didn’t think of my team at all. For the first time in my career, I put myself first. Not my teammates. And while it surprises me, I don’t regret it. Not one bit. There's no way I could have allowed him to walk away after he insulted her like that. No, I did the right thing. I wish the rest of the team didn’t have to be impacted by it.

"Shut the fuck up, Prick," Finn growls.

"Fuck you, too, Hand," Caspian shoots back. "What kind of a call name is Hand, anyway? If it’s supposed to indicate the size of the organ between your legs, we both know mine is larger, longer, broader and—"

"—no match for mine." Finn smirks.

"Oh?" Caspian looks him up and down. "If you want to compare—" He reaches for his waistband, as does Finn.

"Fucking hell." I rise to my feet. "Can’t we get anything done without the two of you reverting to primates?"

"It was him." Both point to the other.

I crack my neck, then jerk my chin in their direction. "Shut the fuck up, you two."

They shut up. Or at least, Finn does.

Caspian glances at me with a measuring look. "You have to do it. You don’t have a choice."

"He doesn’t have to do anything,” Gio retorts.

He turns on her. "Are you worried about him because he’s the captain, or because the two of you are fucking each other?"

"Don’t talk to me like that." She marches up to him and stabs a finger in his chest. "I’m the PR manager of this team. I might not play on the ice, but as image conscious as you are, you know that it’s in my hands how I paint you in the media."

He blinks, then seems to get a hold of himself. "You don’t scare me,” he scoffs.

"Oh?" She draws herself up to her full height, then taps the toe of her right stiletto. "All I have to do is put out a few whispers about the size of your package. Perhaps, even leak some limp dick pics and ensure the trail leads back to you, and then we’ll see."

His jaw drops, then he laughs, the sound uncertain. "You wouldn’t."

"Wouldn’t I?" She rubs her nails on the collar of her Chanel jacket. "I know enough people in the right places in the media world to make this a reality."

He surveys her features, then nods slowly. "You made your point; I’ll back off. For now. But there's nothing stopping me from leaking to the media that the two of you are sharing a room, either."

She stills, then tips up her chin. "Try me, buster. The same people who’d attribute a dick pic to you, would hold back news about me."

"Also, there’s a reason we’re sharing a room." I prowl over to stand between them. "You going to tell them, babe?" I soften my gaze as I meet hers.

"Eh?" She scowls. "Tell them what? And why are you ca—"

"You see, there’s a reason we’re sharing a room, and it’s not only because there’s no extra room for Gio here."

She angles her head.

"It isn’t?" Finn taps his fingertips on his thigh.

"It isn’t?" Caspian asks slowly.

The unsettled expression on his features is almost as satisfying as the shock on her face when I drawl, "It isn’t. Because what Gio and I failed to tell the rest of you, is that we’re engaged."
