Page 40 of The Ice Kiss

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"Talk to me, not to her," I say at the same time.

She shoots me another glance, a plea in hers asking for me to stay quiet. A plea I ignore. No way am I going to stay silent while he stakes his claim on her. Not when I’m right here.

"We’re engaged. Didn’t you hear me say that already?" I snap at him.

The color fades from his features. He looks from her to me, then back to her. "Gio, I can explain what happened."

"What happened is that you cheated on me and now you’re standing here telling me you’re sorry."

"I am." He swallows. "It was a mistake. I shouldn’t have slipped up like that. But I was lonely, and you were so busy. And I needed you that day, Gio, but you weren’t there. I told you not to go on that trip, but you were focused on building your career and I… I needed to be with someone."

"So, you decided to cheat on me with my colleague?" A shiver runs down her spine. Her shoulders shake, and I wrap my arm about her and pull her closer.

He looks away before addressing her again. "I miss you, Gio. It’s been terrible without you. As soon as I saw your face that day, I knew I’d made a mistake. Forgive me, Gio, please. What can I do to make it up to you?”

She swallows then says slowly, “Actually, there is something.”

“There is?” he brightens up.

“There is?” I turn on her.

She keeps her gaze firmly on Dickface. “Call off the fight with Rick.”

“Don’t—” Before I can complete the sentence, Dennis nods.

“Done. Now, will you forgive me?”

She makes a strangled noise at the back of her throat, and I can’t take it anymore.

I thrust out my chin and stab a finger at him. "Okay, that’s enough. You need to go, right fucking now."

His jaw tightens, anger blazes in his eyes, then he nods. "I’m going, for now, but this is far from over."

* * *

"You shouldn’t have provoked him.” She scowls.

“And you shouldn’t have asked him to call off the fight.”

I narrow my gaze on the road ahead. After the run in with that shitstain, Dennis, she refused to meet my gaze. Edward joined us shortly after, and we quickly ran through the most important points of our meeting. She responded to his questions with short answers. I stuck to monosyllables. Edward gave both of us curious looks but didn’t pushed it further. I told him we’d broken the news of our engagement to arsehat, Dennis. At that, she paled and muttered that it was going to be all over the internet before the day was out. The result?

I pushed up our lunch, and she called up the journalist she'd promised the exclusive to and told her we needed to meet in the next hour. Now, we’re on our way to meet her.

“Dennis is a slimy bastard. If that fight had gone ahead, he’d have seriously injured you,” she says in a low voice.

“I’d have injured him first.”

“And he’d have sued you after…or found another way to get back at you, and things would have escalated into a mess that would have ended your career.”

“Not if I killed him first and disposed of the body.”

She gasps. “How can you joke about this?” She surveys my features.

When I don’t reply, she tenses. “Youwerekidding, right?”

I raise a shoulder. “Yea, sure. Let's go with that.”

She shakes her head. “I forget you have a military background. Killing people is not new for you.”
