Page 92 of The Ice Kiss

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He has his hands on her.He. Has. His. Hands. On. What’s. Mine.My feet don’t seem to touch the floor as I close the distance to where he’s standing behind her. He has his fingers in her hair. Adrenaline laces my blood. My vision tunnels. I strike at his forearm, and he cries out. He releases his hold on her and staggers back. And I step between them. I sense her shudder, feel the terror coming off her in waves, and the last hold on my control dissolves.

With a roar, I smash my fist into the side of his head. He stumbles back, and I’m sure he’s going to keel over, but to my surprise, he shoots out his fist. I block, land another punch in his stomach. He wheezes, and I continue to punch him. One-two-three. I’m aware of her clutching at my shoulder, but I shake her off, and continue to bury my fist in his side, his chest—he cries out—his throat. He makes a choking sound.

The next second, arms grip me and pull me away, and someone does the same to him. I manage to get in another punch, this time, to his nose. Blood blooms and drips down his chin.

"Stop this." Edward steps between us. "Stop it, right fucking now."

"Get the fuck out of my way, Priest." I raise my fist, but Edward grips my wrist and squeezes.

"Get a hold of yourself."

"He touched her," I growl. "He fucking touched what belongs to me."

"Hey…" She steps around from behind me. "I-I-I'm not a possession."

"You’re mine. And I don’t share."

"I’m n-n-n… not yours." She sets her jaw.

"Oh?" I lower my hand, then grab her hand with Gram’s ring on her finger. I raise it, so she has no choice but to look down at it, then at me.

"This says otherwise," I snap.

"Th-that… is not"—she glances at Edward, who’s looking between us with narrowed eyes—"what it seems," she whispers.

"Knew it." Her bastard ex crows—or tries to, for his voice comes out muffled, thanks to the towel he’s holding against his nose.

"You’re right," I snap.

"I-I am?" She blinks.

Edward lowers his chin.

Sensing the tension in my muscles, and no doubt, noticing how my shoulders bunch, they tighten their holds on me.

Even her douche of an ex falls silent. The security guys from the restaurant who’d shouldered their way in on Edward’s heels hold him back.

I take advantage of the silence to slide my jacket off and place it around her shoulders. "It’s not what it seems because things have changed."

She frowns and opens her mouth, but I bend and scoop her up in my arms, bridal style. "We’re getting married."

"What?" Edward gapes.

"What?" she cries.

"What the fuck?" Arsemonger—yep, this is the right name for him—Dennis takes a step forward. "You can’t do this; you fucking can’t."

She wriggles in my arms, but I tighten them about her and flash a grin in her ex’s direction. "We are."

He makes a strangled sound, then leans forward on the balls of his feet. "You can have her. She’s a fucking bitch who—" His eyes roll back in his face because Edward releases me and moves so fast, he almost blurs. His fist connects with fuckhead’s face, and the arsemonger would be on the floor were it not for the security team holding him up.

That’s when a flashbulb goes off from the doorway.

* * *

"Are you okay?" I glance down at where she’s huddled in my arms. We’re in an office in the restaurant, not far from where the photographer snapped our photo. He managed to evade the security posted around and in the restaurant and get to us. These paps will do anything for a scoop. And captains of the two hottest hockey teams in the country, who are also bitter rivals, fighting each other over a woman, is bound to fetch him thousands when he hawks the pictures to the tabloids.
