Page 20 of Trick or Treat

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“Are you mad, Sab?” Victor asks. “We’ll never lie to you or deceive you again.”

The others make similar pledges, all of them looking at me with concerned expressions.

“I’m not mad. If I’d been in your position, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have done the same thing, and taken advantage of the night to have a chance to be with you.”

“We should have all been honest with each other years ago,” Jack says quietly.

Xander looks thoughtful when he says, “Maybe this way is better. We all had time to build a great friendship with you first, and that’s only going to make a romantic relationship stronger.”

“Is that what this is going to be? A relationship?”

“Hell yeah,” Damien says.

“If you’re up for having four boyfriends,” Xander says.

Before I can answer with an enthusiastic “Yes,” Victor says, “It’s not going to be easy. First, we’re going to make sure you get some rest and some good food, and then we’re going to do all of this again.” He gestures to the bed and bedroom. “And we’re going to do this every night going forward. In between, we’re going to do everything we can to show you how much we care about you.”

“We’re going to make up for lost time,” Jack says.

Tired as I am, pure glee is bubbling out of me, and my cheeks hurt from how big I’m smiling. “I think I can handle that.”

“I have one request, though,” Xander says, drawing my attention his way. “That dress. You need to wear that dress every Halloween, and maybe also once a month or so.”

“I can do that,” I say, laughing.

“It’s only fitting that you dress up like a witch,” Victor says, “because you’ve had all of us under your spell for a long time.”

* * *
