Page 36 of Jhon

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“Ohhh,” she moaned, in spite of herself.

The sound seemed to make him lose control. He licked her again, sucking the whole nipple into his mouth as he swirled his tongue, sending her into a dizzying despair as she arched her back, desperate for more.

He pinched the nipple between his thumb and forefinger as he moved to her other breast, gently teasing the nipple until it was stiff and throbbing before he sucked it into his hot mouth.

The pleasure shot through her, and she slid her hands through his hair, pulling him closer to her breasts.

But too soon, he was nuzzling his way down her belly, licking her navel, and then nudging her thighs apart, his rough jaw sending tingles of awareness through her.

“Jhon,” she whimpered.

His eyes flashed up to hers.

“Please,” he practically purred. “Let me help you.”

She might have tried to demure, but the waves of desire carried her along like a raging river.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Before she could really take in what was happening, he was lowering his face to her sex and running his tongue along her opening.

Ella gasped, the sensation electric. She could feel herself swelling and relaxing for him.

Jhon groaned and slid his hand up to hold her open as he slowly licked her folds, his tongue firm and thorough.

Ella lost track of her sounds. Hips quivering with the effort not to grind into his mouth, she clenched the sheets as she watched her pleasure fly higher and higher on his wicked tongue.

On and on he teased and prodded her, humming with pleasure as if he couldn’t get enough of the taste of her. Tension began to build in Ella, until she felt like a string pulled taut, about to snap.

“Please,” she begged, uncertain what she was begging for.

Instantly, he shifted his attention slightly upward, flicking and sucking against a tiny bead at the top of her sex that exploded with fresh pleasure at every touch.

She felt herself being launched into the current of the pleasure until she was flying and frantic.

At last, it broke in an explosion of white ecstasy, flooding her entire body with every wrenching throb, as Jhon continued to tease and toy with her gently until she was spent.

She collapsed back against the bed, loose-limbed and still floating in a haze of pleasure.

Jhon crawled up to her, and she held her arms out to him, though they felt like heavy weights.

But he stretched out beside her instead.

Did he want her to do to him what he had done to her?

She had no clue what she was doing, but the idea of giving him pleasure in that way had tingles of excitement going down her spine.

She rolled to her side to face him, sliding one hand down his cobbled abs to explore the thick rod that strained and pulsed into her hand through his breeches.

“Gods, Ella, stop,” Jhon groaned, catching her wrist in his hand and dragging it away from himself.

“You don’t want me to?” she asked, hearing the plaintive note in her own voice.

“Not yet,” he told her. “For now, you need rest.”

There was something like pain in his voice, but when he pulled her close to his warm chest and stroked between her shoulder blades, she couldn’t help closing her eyes, just for a moment.

