Page 46 of Jhon

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“We’re going up,” Jhon murmured into her hair.

She heard him tap the sensor with his foot and then they were flying through the air, back up to the place she realized she already thought of as home.

When the chute stopped, Jhon stepped off, half lifting her in his arms to get her onto the frozen ground with him.

She let herself collapse in relief against his chest.

“What were you thinking?” he demanded. “I told you it’s dangerous after dark. The neighbors even told you. One more minute, and you would have been killed.”

“I-I heard a baby crying,” she managed to say, pulling back slightly as she regained control of her body.

“That’s what they do,” he retorted furiously. “They make a noise like a baby to lure you in, and then they hypnotize you, and then they eat you.”

“Well, maybe you should have been more specific when you warned me not to go out at night,” she spat back. “I thought there was a baby in danger.”

“You could have died,” he threw back accusingly.

“What do you care?” she asked.

The words hung in the air a moment.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

“You dismissed me this morning like I was nothing,” she said. “And you wouldn’t even look at me all day. I kept asking myself what I did wrong. But I’m starting to think you’re the problem. You’re heartless and cold, and it probably would have simplified your life if you had just let that thing eat me.” She punctuated the last few words poking her finger into his chest.

The next thing she knew, he was grabbing her wrist, wrenching her hand from his chest and pulling her so close she was sure he could feel her heart pounding.

She tilted her head up to look at him.

He wrapped a big hand around her cheek.

Need flooded through her, and she forgot that she was furious with him, forgot everything but the hunger in his eyes.

He leaned downward, eyes on her mouth, and she almost moaned out loud with impatience. She needed his mouth on her, his hands, all of him…

But when his lips were only an inch from hers, he let out a growl and pulled away, backing up as if she were some kind of poison, a grief-stricken expression on his handsome face.

Her mind swirled with confusion, even as her body called out to his.



Jhon faced Ella, panting and furious.

I’m an Invicta. I can withstand unspeakable forms of torture if I have to. Why can’t I resist this woman?

“I can’t do this,” he murmured, turning on his heel and heading back to the house.

Each step took him farther away from her, increasing his pain exponentially.

He longed for her to call him back, dress him down for being a coward, demand that he throw off his duty in favor of the bond neither of them could deny.

But for once, the insufferable woman bit her tongue.

He was stuck marching off to the far end of the island to begin another night patrol in which he would have to constantly wrench his thoughts away from the taste of her and back to his duty.

I can’t do it.
