Page 66 of Rafe

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“Jade,” he breathed.

But she was already flowing into his arms, going up on her toes to press her sweet lips to his.

Pleasure surged through his veins, and he fought to take his time.

But when he felt her little fingers struggling with the cords of his leather armor, his caution fled and he found himself helping her, ripping his leathers and breeches from himself until there was nothing between him and his beloved but a few inches of cool night air.

She gazed at him, her lips parted slightly, and he thanked the gods that she wasn’t afraid.

Our mate trusts us, the dragon whispered reverently.

Then her hands moved to unfasten her own clothing and he knelt to help her, practically shaking with need and emotion.



Jade stood before the man who would be her mate.

His hands trembled as he gently removed her clothing until she was as naked as he was.

Starlight cast a glow on the two of them, yet in the relative darkness, his blue skin looked not much different from hers, and the sharp ridges of his muscles and the scales on his forearms were softened slightly.

But this wasn’t why she felt no fear.

Rafe would love and protect her, no matter what.

And if she wondered what that might look like, she only had to think back to the sight of him, big as a mountain with a pair of massive wings, his body glittering with sharp scales.

With him around, nothing and no one could capture her against her will, ever again. She had never felt more safe.

She took his hand and led him, knowing that she would have to show him that she was eager for them to be one.

The big warrior allowed himself to be guided onto the bed. He crawled in and rolled onto his back, waiting for her. His broad chest and rippling muscles sent a current of desire through her so strong she thought her knees would buckle.

Jade took a deep breath.

“What you feel is not influenced by me,” he murmured to her, his voice deep with emotion. “It is your soul calling out to mine.”

Her heart squeezed with gratitude for the words she hadn’t known she needed to hear.

When she crawled in beside him, he rolled to his side without touching her. Bracing herself for the need that would follow, she pressed her lips to his. She could feel his body’s response before hers kicked in. He trembled under her touch, every muscle straining for her.

When her own need pulled at her belly, she truly felt no fear.

Rafe cupped her cheek in his hand, kissing her until she had to pull away for breath. Then he pressed his lips to her neck and kissed his way gently to her breasts.

Waves of need coursed through her, and she let her head fall back on the pillows.

Rafe licked one nipple into his mouth and then the other, as he stroked her belly, his hand nudging her thighs apart.

He’d barely touched her, and she already felt as if she was going to fly apart. Desperate moans escaped her throat.

“Easy, love,” he murmured, lowering himself until his mouth was at her opening.

She closed her eyes, and still it wasn’t enough to ground her when he began to lick.

The pleasure was exquisite, a beautiful pull that she didn’t dread because she knew he would quench her need.
