Page 17 of Lorenzo

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“It’s just a stiff neck.”

“I know. Just give me five minutes, and even if it doesn’t feel better, all you’ve lost is a little time. And you’ll have made me feel useful.”

“Fine,” I grunt, leaning forward.

Nimble fingers knead the back of my neck, surprisingly strong for someone with such small hands. Fuck, in fact, she’s way stronger than she looks. I snarl when she finds the sensitive spot that’s been plaguing me for weeks.

She chuckles. “Don’t be a baby.” Her warm breath dusts over my skin and a shiver runs the length of my spine.

I try to focus on the screen in front of me, but Mia’s touch is too distracting. She presses deep into my muscles, causing waves of pain and relief to roll through my body. It hurts so fucking good… I close my eyes and clamp my mouth shut so I don’t groan her fucking name, because fuck me, her hands are magical.

“So, you’re not a Van Morrison fan then?”

My eyes snap open. “Huh?”

“The song? ‘Bright Side of the Road?’ You don’t like it?”

“Not a fan, no.”

“It’s my favorite,” she says with a soft sigh.

Closing my eyes again, I refocus on the sweet relief her hands offer. My neck has been stiff for so long that I’ve forgotten what it felt like before.

Mia ignores my silence, needing no invitation to keep talking. “I just love the words. So full of hope, you know?” I try to tune her out and focus on her hands instead. That’s so much less complicated than conversation. “It’s my sunshine song.”

Oh, fuck it.“Your what now?”

“My sunshine song,” she replies matter-of-factly, as though I should know what the fuck that means.

“What the hell is a sunshine song?”

“Well, I have lots of sunshine things. A sunshine movie. TV show. Food. You know, the kind of thing that always makes you smile no matter how bad your day is? Like sunshine? ‘Bright Side of the Road’ is my sunshine song.”

I frown. This woman clearly lives in a world that is so far removed from mine.

She laughs again. “I guess you don’t have a sunshine song then?”


Her fingers knead deeper into my muscles, and the endorphins that flood my body make me grunt. She dips her head and some of her hair falls onto my shoulder. “I’ll let you borrow mine if you like.” Her warm breath dances over my cheek and, without warning, all the blood in my body rushes south.

What the motherfucking fuck!

I wrench out of her grip, ignoring the protests of my aching neck and my cock at the loss of her hands. “I need to get back to work,” I bark, leaning away from her.

“Okay,” she replies breezily, seemingly unbothered by my harsh tone. “Did it help at all though?”

I roll my neck and shoulders. It actually feels a fuckload better than it did a few minutes ago. “Yeah. Thanks.”

“Well, give me a few minutes a day and I’ll sort it out for you. And it’s probably a good idea to stop sleeping on the sofa—”


Her cheeks turn pink. “Kat and Dante mentioned you often sleep on the sofa. Isn’t that why you have a stiff neck?”

Who the fuck do they think they are, discussing that with her? They know why I sleep on the sofa. They know… My hands clench into fists. “Where I sleep is nobody’s fucking business but mine.”

Mia flinches away. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I, uh, I’ll leave you alone now.”
