Page 23 of Had to Be You

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"Huh?" She turned her attention to her employee.

"When you came in, you said you needed caffeine. I fixed the espresso machine if you want me to make you—"

"Oh, no." She shook her head back and forth, and her braids fanned out slightly. "That’s okay. I, um, no, that’s okay. I need to…" Her eyes darted back to Knox and then to Ricky. "I need to go."

She grabbed a set of keys under the counter and then walked around to the dining area, heading toward the door Knox had entered through.

"Nice to see you again, Ricky." Knox lifted his hand up.

"You, too." The kid grabbed his book and went back to reading.

Within two long strides, Knox was in front of Laura; he opened and held the door for her. She looked up at him and hesitated, as if she didn’t want to walk through the threshold. He sensed her hesitation and was about to walk out in front of her when she dipped her head and said, "Thanks."

As she passed by him, her shoulder brushed against his chest, and he felt a tremor run through her.

"Cold?" he asked.

"What?" She glanced over her shoulder as she continued around the corner, where he’d noticed steps leading up to the apartment he’d be staying at.

"I asked if you were cold. You shivered."

A flush broke out on her cheeks. "Oh, no, I’m not cold."

She continued walking, and he followed behind her. When they reached the stairs, he only made it up one before she turned around to face him and crossed her arms. The stance was defensive but only served to display her cleavage. "What are you doing?"

He did his best to keep his eyes above her neck and smiled. He loved knowing information that other people didn’t. A slow grin tugged at his face. "I’m meeting my landlord to get my keys."

She tilted her head to the side, the same way she had when they’d danced, and once again, he had the strongest urge to lean down and taste her neck. "Ha ha. Very funny. Seriously, though, Iammeeting my tenant here."

Since she apparently needed proof, Knox got out his phone, pulled up his confirmation, and showed it to her.

Her eyes squinted as she read it. Then her lips pursed and her nostrils flared as she mumbled something under her breath, turned back, and started up the stairs again.

"What? I didn’t catch that."

She stilled and sighed as her shoulders dropped. "I said, of course, it had to be you."

"I’m not sure if that is a positive thing or not, but I’m going to take it as it is."

"Of course you are."

Knox grinned. "I heard that."

"You did? Oh no, and I was trying so hard to be quiet." Laura’s words dripped with mock sincerity.

Damn.This woman knew exactly the way to Knox’s heart: cut-off denim shorts and sarcasm. Apparently, those were his kryptonite.

* * *

Laura’s legs were quivering as she made her way up the final eight steps, and the evening summer breeze was not to blame. Her entire body trembled in this close proximity to Knox’s hotness.

Somehow, overnight, Knox Savage had become even sexier and more irresistible. And now he was going to be living above her shop. Which meant she would be seeing him on a regular basis.

Could this day get any worse?

She’d already had to sit through an entire dinner with her ex, whom her family adored and thought she should have forgiven when he cheated. Her mother had actually hugged her at the end of the night and whispered into her ear, "Forgive him, Mija. Boys will be boys."

That saying had always infuriated Laura. She never understood why having a penis entitled you to aGet Out of Jail Free card for bad behavior. And hearing it from her own mother as exhibit A in her case for why Laura should forgive Mario and get back together with him felt like a slap in the face.
