Page 44 of Had to Be You

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He nodded and looked at Laura silently, asking what was going on. The slight lift of her eyebrows told him she had no idea.

"I have a few things I need to do, but I would like to speak to you. Can you wait for me in the breakroom?"

"The breakroom?"

"The restaurant let me set up in there."

His eyes shot to Laura’s once more. She shrugged, looking not-too-pleased about this turn of events.

"What is this about?" he asked Felicity.

"If you just give me five minutes, I’ll explain everything. Please, if you two will just wait through those doors, just give me five minutes."

He assumed it was the same pitch she’d sold Laura, and he figured what did he have to lose since he’d planned on catching up with the woman anyway and Felicity had just saved him the legwork.

"Okay," he agreed.

Felicity pressed her palms together in prayer hands and bowed. "Thank you both."

Knox held out his hand to let Laura walk in front of him. As she walked by, she tugged the strap of her purse over her shoulder to shift the bag so that it was between them like a shield. He didn’t have to be a body language expert to know that wasn’t a warm and welcoming gesture. It was defensive.

Once they got inside the small break room, Laura turned and asked him. "Do you have any idea what this is about?"

Knox shook his head. She pulled out her phone and started typing on it, sending a very clear signal that she did not want to talk to him.

He knew he wasn’t one to talk since his behavior had been a little hot and cold with Laura, but she definitely seemed icy right now. He was thinking of ways to thaw her out when the door opened and Felicity walked inside.

"Okay, so I had a few follow-up questions for the two of you, if that’s okay. Did you two know each other prior to the event?"

"Yes," Knox responded.

"Sort of," Laura answered at the same time.

Felicity glanced at both of them. "Are you two a couple?"

"No," they said in unison.

"But you do know each other?"

"What is this about?" Knox was getting tired of this shit. The woman clearly wanted to say something or ask something, and she was dancing around it.

"Your scores. Not only on the questionnaire but also on the heart rate monitor. They are the highest scores we’ve ever seen. And we’ve had thousands of participants."

Knox grinned as he glanced over at Laura and saw that she was scowling.

"You two are so compatible, and your physiological responses were so high that I just assumed you two knew each other and were just coming to the event as a test or something."

"A test?" Laura repeated.

"Yes, to see if our system actually works. I thought maybe you were doing it for a vlog or maybe a YouTube video; it’s happened before."

Laura shook her head. "I can assure you we are not together. We met last week. And I’m sorry to tell you this, but your system doesn’t work because we’re not compatible."

"You are," Felicity argued as her phone started ringing. She picked it up but didn’t answer it. "So much so, I thought you were gaming the system. I don’t know why you think you’re not compatible, but you should definitely go on one date just to make sure. And please, if you do, let me know how it goes."

With that, she stepped outside and took the call. Laura followed behind her, and Knox followed behind Laura.

"That was—"
