Page 61 of Had to Be You

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As amazing as it was, she was a little disappointed that their encounter was over. Which was ridiculous since she’d already come twice, which was twice as much as she normally did with a partner, especially the first time.

"I’ll be ready for round two soon."

"Round two?"

He lifted up on his forearms and stared down at her. "You didn’t think I was done with you, did you?"

A smile lifted from the corners of her lips. "I mean, I’ve already had two orgasms; I didn’t want to be greedy."

His jaw ticked. "When it comes to me getting you off, I want you to be greedy."

She’d never been so relieved to hear anything in her life.


"When ishe going to do it?" Ivy whispered impatiently as he and his twin nieces trailed behind Chrissy, Ford, and her three youngest kiddos Connor, Cassidy, and Kimber.

"I have no idea," Knox replied.

Earlier that day, Ford had pulled Knox aside and told him that tonight was the night he was going to pop the big question to Chrissy. Ivy and Iris, his twenty-three-year-old twins, were in town visiting, and he’d decided on doing it at the town festival because apparently Chrissy had bad memories of them as a child and he wanted to make up for her not feeling like she’d belonged.

Knox had never pegged his brother as romantic, but Chrissy brought out a side of Ford that Knox had never witnessed before. Sort of like how Laura brought a side of Knox he’d never known he had. Except it wasn’t Knox’s romantic side that Laura inspired; it was his inner Tarzan. Every time he saw her, he wanted to pound his chest, throw her over his shoulder, and swing on vines to take her back to his cave. Or treehouse. Or whatever Tarzan brought Jane back to.

"We love her, Uncle Knox; what do you think?" Iris asked as she hooked her arm in Knox’s.

"I approve."

"I wish Gaga was here." Ivy sighed. Gaga was what the twins called their grandma.

"I’m supposed to FaceTime her, so she doesn’t miss it," Knox relayed the assignment he had been given by his mom.

"I’m FaceTiming Uncle Seb," Ivy explained.

"I’m supposed to record it, but it would be a lot easier if we knew when it was happening, so we weren’t just following behind them like creepers." Iris sighed.

Knox had to smile. The twins were so very different. They were both smart, kind, and beautiful girls, but that’s where the similarities ended. Iris was dramatic, spontaneous, outgoing, and outspoken. Ivy was quiet, thoughtful, and observant. Ivy loved to people watch, and Iris loved being the center of attention.

He loved spending time with his nieces. They were a constant source of entertainment. Literally. In their late teens, they started posting on social media and managed to build a huge following on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram as the Savage Twins. They started out just vlogging "twin life," but they’d also made several series. One of them, his personal favorite because they’d embarrassed the hell out of his brother, was called Date My Dad. They set Ford up on blind dates, unbeknownst to him, and recorded the entire thing for posterity.

The little brother in Knox loved watching his older brother squirm as he "dated" women obliviously. It had been one of Knox’s greatest joys in life, and he had his nieces to thank for that.

Ivy and Iris were the only two humans who had ever made him want to procreate. The only people that had actually made him question whether or not he wanted to be a dad. He’d spent a lot of time with his nieces in the first few years of their lives before he’d gone into the navy. They were a ton of work, but he could still remember the way their sweet heads smelled after a bath. Or their little breaths fanning against his neck as they slept while he rocked them.

Thinking about them as babies had him thinking about Laura with a baby. His baby. He imagined her giving their son or daughter a bath. Rocking them to sleep in a chair by the window. The images were filling his head faster than he could delete them.

But even if they were successful and she got pregnant, he wouldn’t be around to see any of those moments in real life. That thought caused his chest to ache painfully.

"So what about you, Unc?" Iris squeezed his arm. "Who is the new lucky lady in your life?"

Knox never kept his personal life private. The twins knew about all the women he’d dated.

The two of them had hooked up every night for the past three weeks. He’d snuck into her house under the blanket of darkness and snuck out before sunrise. Except for last night. Her niece, Marissa, came to stay. Normally, she came every Friday, but she’d had end-of-year school events the past two weekends, so last night was the first time in weeks he hadn’t spent in bed with Laura.

And damn if he didn’t miss her. He was having serious withdrawals.

"No new lady," he lied.

Both girls stopped in their tracks and turned toward him. Their identical faces were both agape.
