Page 65 of Had to Be You

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Knox grinned. "It’s on the dock at a festival."

"Right, sure, yeah, we can go."

The group, which was now ten deep, all made their way down to the pier. Laura was mainly keeping an eye on her three nephews, but she couldn’t help but feel Knox glancing down at her as they walked together. Out of her peripheral vision, she also noticed his nieces looking at both of them.

She thought about telling him to stop looking at her, but she didn’t want to draw more attention to that fact. Plus, in all honesty, she loved having him by her side. She’d missed him the night before. A lot. Too much.

It just felt better being near him.

Once they made their way down to the docks Laura kept her nephews a few yards back so they wouldn’t get in the way.

She watched the entire plan unfold. Chrissy was looking out over the water, preoccupied by her two oldest kids, Fiona and Connor. Ford called over the littles, whom he handed papers to. Ivy, Iris, and Knox all pulled out their phones and started filming.

When the littles were in place, Connor and Fiona slipped away from their mom, and Ford handed them papers and stood behind the kids.

He leaned down and whispered something into the littles’ ears. They both called out, "Mom!"

Chrissy turned around, and when she did, Knox was on his knee with all the kids standing behind him. Their signs had one word each on them that said, Will You Marry Me?

She immediately started to tear up as she shook her head. Laura felt herself getting emotional and wiped a tear that fell down her cheek. She felt the heat of Knox’s stare on her and looked up to see that he was still holding his phone out toward the happy couple but he was watching her.

Beside her, her nephews were clapping along with the dozen or so other people who had gathered to see the proposal, which consisted of Chrissy’s friends Ali, Jessa, Brynn, Sara, Liv, and their husbands.

"That’s so sweet," Kennedy said beside her.

She could hear that it was actually bittersweet. As happy as she was sure Kennedy was for Chrissy, Laura recognized the tinge of sadness that it wasn’t her turn and related to that feeling.

"Hey, what’s going on here?" Laura heard her sister Luci ask from behind her.

Shit. She did not want Lori and Luci to meet Knox. That would be a disaster. They would tell her parents, who would tell her aunts and uncles, who would tell her cousins. Her entire family would be asking about him for several years to come.

"Nothing," she responded at the same time Kennedy announced. "Chrissy got engaged!"

"Oh my god! Are those the Savage Twins?" Her niece, Marianna, exclaimed.

"Do you know them?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, they’re the Savage Twins," Marissa responded.

"Who is that?" Lori asked as she joined them, sipping on her drink.

"Those are the Savage Twins." Laura wasn’t sure how her nieces knew them, but she figured their mom probably did.

"No, not them." Lori tilted her chin down. "Him."

"That’s Knox," Marissa offered. "Tia went on a date with him."

Lori’s head spun toward her. "The Knox you went on a date with?"

Laura was sure her niece would keep her mouth shut about her "date" because they had an unspoken understanding. She wouldn’t tell her sister about Bryce, and Marissa would zip it about her personal life. Apparently, she should have spoken the understanding.

The second Iris and Ivy put their phones away, Marissa and Mariana rushed up to speak to them. Knox’s nieces seemed happy to meet them and take selfies with them.

"A date, huh?" Lori nudged Laura’s arm.

"It wasn’t a date. It was just because we went on a speed dating thing and we were compatible."

"I bet you were." Luci winked.
