Page 69 of Had to Be You

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Automatically, her legs parted. It wasn’t even a conscious thought. He said it, and her body obeyed. When they did, it gave him enough room for his fingers to dip between her legs. She could feel how easily his touch slid along the seam of her sex, which was coated in her arousal.

"Good girl." The gravelly quality in his voice vibrated through her from head to toe. "I love how wet you get for me."

His fingers intimately massaged her opening before they began to concentrate on her engorged clit. Within two passes of his touch, she felt the waves of her orgasm begin to swell in her core. Within just a few flicks of his touch, her stomach contracted and her thighs trembled with her release.

Before she’d caught her breath, she felt her shorts being tugged roughly down her legs. Within seconds, she’d stepped out of them, and Knox had her turned toward the prep table and his large hand pressed on her back, causing her to bend over the tabletop. She was sure that if the health inspector knew this was happening, the Snack Shack would lose its A+ rating.

That was the last thought in her head before she felt Knox thrust inside of her in one hard push. Her inner walls were still contracting in the aftershocks of her first release, and his intrusion caused her climax to be revived. This time, it was even more intense.

Laura’s mouth opened in a silent cry as he pounded into her. The slaps of his thighs against hers rang out in the small space. She hadn’t even recovered from her last orgasm, and already she felt number two heading toward her like a freight train.

Her hands gripped the sides of the prep table as her cheeks flattened against its surface. His thrusts were steady and strong, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her. Each time he entered her, he did it with just enough force to cause a slight sting. Knox somehow knew the delicate line between pleasure and pain, and he effortlessly kept a steady rhythm to keep her at that intersection.

His hands gripped her waist, lifting her up slightly, and the new position allowed him to drive even further inside of her. That was all it took for her to go over the edge of oblivion.

She shut her eyes as her entire world exploded into a million bursts of pleasure. Her body convulsed as ripples of bliss ricocheted through her. In that moment, nothing else mattered; nothing else existed but the soul-shattering sensations consuming her.

Just as she reached the peak of her ecstasy, she felt Knox drive into her once more with a force that had her back arching with abandon before his entire body tensed with his own release.

As they both came back to reality, she didn’t straighten. She stayed lying face first on the table and allowed herself to totally surrender to the sensations of him filling her completely. When she did, an unexpected emotion welled up inside of her.

She felt tears beginning to fill her eyes, and she tried to sniff them away.

Knox kneaded the flesh on her hip as he slumped over and rested his forehead against her back as he caught his breath. She could feel his dick jerk inside of her as the final spasms of his release hit him.

He began to trail kisses on her back, softly saying, "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you," over and over again.

When he did, she was not able to hold the emotion she’d sniffed away at bay. Two single tears slid down her cheeks because she knew then something that she’d been trying to deny, even to herself. She was in love with Knox Savage. Totally, completely in love with him. Now the only question was, what was she going to do about it?


Knox hadan extra pep in his step as he headed over to Laura’s house. These nightly baby-making sessions had become his obsession. It was all he thought about; she was all he thought about from the second he left her until they were together again.

He’d spent the day with Ford and Keaton. The three men tackled the demo of the house that Knox had closed on. He’d planned on hiring a crew, but both Keaton and Ford had volunteered for the demo. They’d managed to knock out the kitchen and both bathrooms, pulled up the carpeting in the entire house, and had started on the kitchen tile.

It had been exhausting work that should have left Knox flat on his ass. But instead of falling into bed after he showered, he’d gotten dressed and practically skipped the mile-and-a-half walk to Laura’s house.

The past six weeks that he and Laura had been hooking up had been the best of his life. Not just because it was the best sex he’d ever had, but also because he enjoyed spending time with her more than any person he’d ever met.

Instead of the shine wearing off, Knox grew more attached to her the more he was around her. Instead of finding flaws or losing interest, he only found more things about her that he loved and was more interested in than ever.

He’d been telling himself that the effect she had on him was because he knew there was an expiration date and there was no pressure on him to make a commitment. Other women he’d dated said that they were okay with keeping things casual as long as he wasn’t seeing other people only to turn around, usually a month or two in, and say they wanted a commitment. His time with Laura was finite, and she wasn’t asking for more. If anything, she was trying to distance herself from him.

Ever since he’d run into her family at the festival and then showed up at the Snack Shack at closing time, he’d noticed that the dynamic between them had shifted. Not when it came to sex. If anything, that was just getting better and better. It was everything else. As soon as the deed was done, it was like walls came up around her. Things felt very impersonal.

He was starting to feel like a stud horse. Which, with any other woman, would be fine, but with Laura, it was driving him fucking insane.

Tonight, he was going to address how he’d been feeling. Even if it made him sound crazy. He wanted to know why she was pulling away from him.

His hand was shaking as he lifted it to open the screen door. When he tried, he found it locked.

That was strange. It had been open every other night. He tried it again, and when it didn’t open, he knocked.

He heard commotion inside before the door flung open and one of her nephews stood in front of him. Since they were twins, he wasn’t sure which one he was. Either Matthew or Michael.

"Hi," the kid greeted him.

"Hey. Is your aunt around?"
