Page 86 of Had to Be You

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Not trusting herself to speak, she just shook her head. The intensity in his stare only magnified the arousal flooding through her.

"Are you sure?" he asked as he lowered one arm and cupped her face. His thumb touched her bottom lip.

She nodded. There was something erotic about feeling the pressure of the bondage around her wrists and knowing that even if she tried, she couldn’t free herself. It sent tingles exploding in her core.

Knox pushed his thumb into her mouth, and she sucked on it hard. He let out a low groan of male satisfaction before moving off the bed. Laura watched as he removed his jeans and boxer briefs.

Her eyes drank in his naked form in all its glory as he stood at the end of the bed, eyeing her with a predatory gaze. His hand wrapped around his shaft, and he stroked up and down his beautiful, steel-hard erection.

Laura’s mouth watered as she watched him touch himself. She wished her hands were free so she could do the same thing. Either touch him or herself; she didn’t care. Pressure and need were building between her legs, and she squeezed her thighs together to try and relieve it.

Either Knox could actually read her mind or her eagerness was shining through because a half grin appeared on his lips before he leaned down, unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts, then slowly pulled them down and off. Before the garments hit the floor, he had crawled back into bed.

"Spread your legs," he commanded roughly as he sat on his knees and rested back on his heels, once again taking himself firmly in his hands.

Laura shifted, pulling up her knees and then allowing them to fall open. When she did, she felt the air hit her damp mound.

On the couch, Knox had given her an intense orgasmic experience. It had bulldozed her over. This next one that was building had a different tempo to it. She could feel the tingles curling in her lower belly.

Knox ran his knuckles up one of her calves, then along her inner thigh, before grazing over her pulsing sex. He didn’t linger there; instead, he worked his way down her left thigh.

A soft moan escaped from the back of her throat. As much as she was enjoying this foreplay, it was difficult for her to lie here and not be able to touch him.

Since she couldn’t drive him crazy with her hands, she figured she might as well try with her words. If this was going to be moved along, she needed to snap that control that he’d been exercising.

"Can you see how wet I am for you?"

His nostrils flared at her question, and his jaw ticked. She loved being able to affect him through her words. "Yes, and now I’m gonna feel how wet you are."

Laura felt her body tense as his hand moved slowly between her legs. His fingers slid up and down her seam. She felt herself growing even wetter with each pass of his touch.

His hands gripped her hips and lifted them up off the mattress, and she felt the tip of his engorged head press inside her. Her arms flinched, and she felt the tie tighten against her wrists.

He began to drive into her as his finger circled her pleasure button. After the orgasm she’d just had, it was extremely sensitive. Her body stretched out as he slid inside of her inch by inch to accommodate him, and she loved the pressure and friction his size created.

After two slow thrusts, he pulled out and then drove into her with a force that had her crying out with pleasure. He pulled back out and did it again, this time faster and harder. Over and over, he pounded into her.

Not being able to touch him, wrap her arms around his neck, and pull him close to her was as frustrating as it was exciting. There was a part of her—the same part that had gotten turned on when he’d called her a good girl—that loved being completely at Knox’s mercy.

For so much of her life, she’d had to be in control. In her business, she was in control. In her personal life, she was in control. She’d never relinquished power to anyone in her life. Even though being tied up might seem low-stakes to someone else, for her, it had meaning. It had significance. The intimacy of the moment overwhelmed Laura, and she closed her eyes to allow herself to be completely submerged in it.

When she did, she concentrated on the sensation of Knox’s roughened fingertip teasing her clit as it circled around it. She sank under the pressure of him filling her completely with each thrust into her body.

Soon, pleasure began to build in her core. Her next release was just out of reach.

"Open your eyes," Knox commanded gruffly.

She did as he asked, and as soon as she locked eyes with him, he brushed his finger over her distended nub, and her body reacted in shuddering, clenching spasms. Even though her eyes were open, she experienced a rush of sensations so strong that she saw stars. The release consumed her as she rode out wave after wave of climax.

When the orgasm finally tapered off, her body tingled with residual pleasure as she caught her breath, and her limbs went totally limp. Knox reached above her head and untied her bindings, releasing her arms.

She kept them above her head as he leaned down and rested his forehead against hers while still buried deep inside of her. She’d been so enraptured she hadn’t noticed if he’d come or not, but when she felt the pulse in aftershocks, she knew he had.

His breath was choppy and fanned over her cheeks as he whispered roughly, "Thank you for trusting me to be the man you shared your fantasy with."

She closed her eyes as exhaustion overwhelmed her. The last thought she had before drifting to sleep was that she wished he’d trust her to be the woman he shared his fantasy with.

