Page 99 of Had to Be You

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Clarity struck him like a bolt of lightning. He hopped off the deck and started walking, actually jogging toward his SUV.

"Knox, where are you going?" he heard his mom call out from across the yard.

"To ask Laura to marry me."

"What?!" Iris screamed and hopped up. "I want to come!"

"She’s in Destiny Springs. It’s two hours away."

"Road trip!" his niece exclaimed.

* * *

"Mimosa?" Luci handed Laura a champagne flute.

"No, I’m good."

Her sister lifted her brows in accusatory question.

"I’m doing a cleanse after being sick; you know, just trying to get back on track."

Luci nodded and lowered herself onto the outdoor couch beside Laura. The sisters sat watching the kids on the trampoline. "The boys haven’t stopped talking about Knox. Apparently, he is a Super Mario Kart god or something."

Laura grinned, remembering how many hours Knox had played with the boys to keep them occupied. Not that he’d only played with the boys; he’d also played tea party with the girls and beauty salon.

He’d allowed the girls to paint his nails. Badly.

Tears began to flood her eyes, but she sniffed them back. She could not let her sisters, mom, oranyone elsein her family see that she was upset. They would be like a dog with a bone and force her to tell them what was wrong.

She wasn’t ready to share the news that she was expecting twins. There would be too many questions. Questions like who the father was. If she’d stuck to her original plan, they might not have been happy with the answer, that the father was an unknown donor, but they would have had no choice but to accept it.

Now. Now the entire situation was so much more confusing, and she only had herself to blame. How was she going to explain that Knox wasn’t a deadbeat dad? That she’d basically entered into a legally (ish) binding contract with him to get her pregnant and have no legal or moral responsibility to her, the baby or, in this case, babies.

The saddest part of this entire thing was that the only person she wanted to talk to, to hold her, and the only person that she felt could make this better was Knox.

Her tear ducts had been working overtime. She cried at everything. A commercial. Seeing two people holding hands. Even her dad telling her mom that she was a cutie when she walked in. Anything remotely romantic or sweet triggered her. She was a blubbering mess. Maybe it was because she was pregnant, or maybe it was just because she missed him. She had no idea what emotions were real and what were just hormones.

That wasn’t true. She did know that certain emotions were real. She knew that she loved Knox Savage. And she was pregnant with his babies.

She wasn’t sure if she was going to tell her family that Knox was the father or if she was going to just go with a sperm donor since that’s what he was.

This was so much more complicated than she’d ever expected it to be. Mainly because she didn’t think getting pregnant "the old-fashioned way" would ever happen. But it had.

It was a miracle, and she was so happy. But also heartbroken. It was a very confusing time. But hopefully, once she was able to talk to her family and tell them how she was feeling, things would get better.

Her phone buzzed, and she glanced down and saw it was a message from Knox. He’d been messaging her since last night, saying they needed to talk, and she’d been ignoring him.

Knox:Can we talk?

A sigh fell from her lips. She wasn’t trying to be immature, but she just didn’t want to speak to him. He’d called, texted, and shown up at her house last night after he left the police station, but she’d ignored him.

She had a feeling if she continued to do that, he’d blow up her phone, and her family would know something was going on.

Laura:I’m at my parents’ house."

Knox:I know. I’m in the front yard.

"What the fuck?" Laura asked as she looked down at her phone.
