Page 112 of The Echo of Violence

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Scope goes deathly still, like he does when he’s looking down the barrel of a gun. “You think I let my old lady make decisions for me? You think she has so little respect for the president’s seat she’d try?”

“I didn’t say that, Scope. I don’t know Mercy very well—”

“And that’s your choice. You sent her away as soon as she got here, wiped your hands of the problem, and gave her to me. You’ve made no effort to get to know the woman since, because you just don’t care to. And that’s fine, but don’t sit there and pass judgment on her. She deserves better than that. Now, is there anything else? I’d like to get home to my old lady.”

Scope stands. Shredder and I stand along with him. Zero shakes his head at Viper, but the man is pig-headed and refuses to back down.

“Nope, that’s it for now.”

“Pleasure as always,” Scope bites out before turning and walking out.

Shredder follows him, but I pause and look at the man who used to be my president before I moved to the new club with Scope. “He’s a good president. Fair, loyal. It’s more than that, though. He’s willing to look at things differently to make sure we’re always moving forward and not living in the past. Something I would have thought you’d have been happy about, given Demons’ less than stellar reputation.”

When Knuckles calls me, I walk away, passing the bar on the way out. I curse under my breath before making a quick detour, not wanting Scope and Shredder to leave without me.

“Knuckles. How’s it going?”

“Boomer tells me you have a cunt as a prospect now.”

“So, I heard,” I spit through gritted teeth as I look at Boomer. He doesn’t even have the decency to look sorry.

“You fucking this girl? Heard she was crip—”

I grab the front of his cut and yank him off his feet. “Brother or not, I will cave your fucking head in if you finish that sentence.” I shove him away.

“See, this is why you can’t let a woman in. It makes people act crazy, pitting brother against brother,” Boomer snaps.

“Funny, you say that when out of the two of you, she’s the only one showing any kind of loyalty right now. You were told to keep your mouth shut.”

“Everyone here is a Chaos Demon. We’re a family.”

I let him see the disgust on my face as I take a step back. “But only if your face fits, right?” I walk away before I throw a punch. He’s Scope’s to deal with now.

“You good?” Shredder asks when I get to my bike.

“I’d feel better if Boomer and Knuckles were bleeding a little.”

“Leave Boomer to me. I made it clear he was to keep his mouth shut. Since he’s so fucking opinionated about prospects, I think he might benefit from a few prospect duties himself.”

I laugh at the evil glint in Scope’s eye. “Just make sure he isn’t paired up with Jinx.”

“Scared she won’t be able to handle him?” he taunts.

“No. Scared she’ll take a hammer to his bike when he pisses her off.”

I shove my helmet on and rev my engine, blocking out the sound of Scope’s laughter. Pulling out, we start the journey back. It’s funny how I lived here for years, yet coming back never feels like coming home. It’s why I listened to my instincts when choosing whether to stay with the mother chapter or go with Scope. It was a no-brainer. As much as I respect Viper, Zero, and Grimm for what they’ve done to turn around the Chaos Demons, there is still a divide between the generations. Maybe because the older ones are still dealing with the shadows of the past. I don’t know. What I do know is that while the mother chapter is still repairing the damage caused by the previous president, they are happy to exist in their small bubble with the few alliances they have built. I’m happy for them because there is an ease about the club now that it’s gone legit that wasn’t there before.

But the mother chapter doesn’t speak for all of us, which is unusual but not unheard of. The younger generation is willing to take more risks. We joined an MC, after all, not the Boy Scouts. No disrespect to the old crew, but without the club splitting in two like it did, I think many brothers would have left. Scope being one of them. He might live for the club, but there is no way he would have been able to stay under Viper’s rule for too long without losing his mind.

Some people are born to be part of a team, but others are born to lead one. Scope and Viper are cut from the same cloth. They’re just at different ends of the scale with how they deal with things.

My cell phone rings. Using the Bluetooth in my helmet, I answer and listen to the heavy breathing for a minute before they speak.


“Jinx? You, okay?”

“Yeah, though, I’m pissed that nobody answers their fucking phones.” She fumes as I speed up, weaving in and out of traffic.
