Page 115 of The Echo of Violence

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I blow out a breath before looking at Mercy. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“Oh, shut up. This could have just as easily been a rival MC. You are not responsible for other people’s actions.”

“Still. You could have been hurt.”

“I wasn’t, though, and that was thanks to you.”

“What are we going to do with this guy? You said he’s got a mama out there. One who’ll likely report him missing?” Menace asks.

I nod before looking around. “Can you get a hold of Scope and Splinter and tell them not to come here? Head back to the clubhouse and meet them there. Tell them what went down.”

“Jinx—” Wizz starts, but I shake my head.

“This has nothing to do with the MC, so why involve you and open you up to the cops’ scrutiny and questioning? You go. I’ll call the police. And Mercy and I will tell them exactly what happened right up until you got here. We did nothing wrong, so I’ll be damned if we take the blame for it.”

“She’s right. It will be easier this way,” Kaz agrees.

“I don’t want to leave you here,” Knight murmurs against my temple.

“I’m fine, I promise. You’ve gotta trust that I can do this.”

“Fine, but the club has a lawyer on retainer. If you need him, call me.”

“I will.” I offer him a quick kiss before pulling away. “Can you untie the rope and take it with you?”

“Of course,” he replies as the brothers disembark, leaving just a few of us. “Call the cops now and then Nico.”

“I will, and we’ll go sit in the car. It’s bulletproof. We’ll be perfectly safe.”

Wizz and Kaz kiss Mercy goodbye as Knight does the same to me and waits for Mercy and me to climb back inside the car.

“Well, that was exciting,” Mercy snorts, making me laugh.

“Shh… I’ve gotta call 911. I won’t sound convincing if I’m laughing.”

She places her hand over her mouth as I call the police and tell them what happened. After I hang up, I call Nico.

“Tell me you’re not canceling on us tonight. I was going to grill steaks.”

“I’m not. So, look, I ran into a little bit of trouble today.”

“What kind of trouble?” His voice is serious. All traces of humor gone.

“The kind that started with someone trying to run me and Mercy off the road and ended with me running them off instead.”

“Fuck. Are you guys okay?”

“We’re both fine. Just waiting on the cops.”

“You called the cops?”

I snicker. “Old habits die hard, huh?”

“I meant because of the Chaos Demons, smart ass. They won’t like that.”

“I called them first. They just left. It turns out the guy who was driving was Benjamin Evans. A jumper from a year ago.”

“Benjamin Evans?” he repeats, and I can practically hear the cogs turning from here. “The kid who assaulted a police officer?”
