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“You should have said you wanted to do some target practice. I would have brought you out here.”

“Splinter offered. I didn’t need to ask,” she states, taking the beer offered to her. She doesn’t drink it, though. She places it on the table beside her before climbing off and grabbing the next gun. She walks to the invisible line we’ve both been using before I sit in the spot she just vacated.

“What’s going on with your girl?” I ask quietly, knowing that they can all hear me.

“I don’t know. She isn’t talking, but something isn’t right. She mentioned something about the club girls, but this feels like it’s bigger than that.”

“Maybe to you. But to Mercy? Probably not. Don’t write something off as irrelevant just because it means nothing to you. She’s hurting, and this place feels more like a prison than a home for her right now. If she hasn’t come right out and said what’s bothering her, ask again. Keep fucking asking until she tells you. Failing that, watch her. You said the club girls are an issue? Why? What’s going on there? I’ll admit that even for me, it can sometimes be too much. I can’t imagine what it’s like for Mercy.”

“What are you talking about? Mercy gets along with the club girls just fine, and they all know better than to disrespect her,” Scope tells me as Mercy fires her gun.

“It’s not that any of them are doing anything. At least, I doubt it. Mercy would make fucking mincemeat of them if they stepped out of line. No, from what I can tell, she has no beef with any of them. There is just no reprieve from it all. It’s club bunnies all day, every day, and she can’t escape it. Sure, other clubs have them, but old ladies rarely live at the clubhouse, so they get a break from it all.”

“Shit.” Scope runs his fingers through his hair, turning to Kaz.

“This is what you were trying to talk to me about before?”

He nods. “I think we need to call a church meeting and discuss it. I know the guys like having unrestricted access to pussy, but not at the expense of Mercy’s happiness.”

“What do you suggest? They live on-site too, so it’s not like we can lock them in their rooms. That just wouldn’t be fair.” Wizz sighs.

“No, but I can move out.”

We all spin at the sound of Mercy’s voice, most of us not realizing the shooting has stopped. Scope steps forward, a snarl on his face. I shove him back, knowing Mercy needs to get this off her chest.

“I’ve been patient. I’ve been understanding because, like you said, the guys like to have all the pussy at their fingertips. And the girls live here, so they shouldn’t have to be hidden away. The thing is, while I’ve been considering everyone else’s feelings, nobody has been considering mine. I don’t want pussy on tap, and yet I see so damn much of it I’m gonna be scarred for life. I can’t get through a meal without watching someone getting deep-throated, and I can’t pee without finding someone fucking in the stall next to mine. Hell, this morning I came out for coffee, and someone was getting fucked over the kitchen counter. I’m not a prude, but it’s like party central over here, and it’s never-fucking-ending. I need something more, or in this case, something less. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind.”

“You’re not moving out,” Scope growls at her.

“I’m sorry, Scope, but if things don’t change, then I will be. I’m done.”



I pin the bitch to the ground, my knee in her back and my fist in her hair, yanking her head back at an angle I know causes maximum pain. “You are so fucking lucky that bullet missed my partner, Nina. Or I’d be peeling your skin from your bones right now.”

She hisses and snarls beneath me, trying to buck me off, acting like a feral cat. She might be strong, thanks to whatever the fuck is racing through her bloodstream and making her fearless and reckless, but I have pure rage burning through mine. I’ve already lost too many people. I refuse to lose one more, and if Nico had moved even half a second slower, his brains would be splattered all over the sidewalk right now.

I smash her head into the concrete, feeling a deep satisfaction when I hear her nose snap and a wail of pain escape her cracked lips.

“Alright, Jinx, that’s enough. I can’t keep bringing in the perps looking like they’ve been in a fight club. People are asking more and more questions.” Nico, ever the voice of reason, steps in and offers me his hand as soon as I finish cuffing the bitch.

“She could have fucking killed you.”

“But she didn’t, so you can’t pull your gun out and shoot her like you want to.”

I grumble but accept his hand and let him yank me up. I bounce a little on my blades and glare down at the woman on the ground, my hands fisted at my sides.

“Jinx,” Nico warns.

With a huff, I turn and walk back to the truck, Toto hot on my heels. Rex shoves the passenger door open from the inside and waits for Toto and me to climb in before speaking. “Thank you.”

I look at him and see his naturally tanned face looking pale and waxy. He might not have it in him to hurt a woman, but the rules are different when the woman almost kills the man you love.

“You’re welcome. Nico’s pissed at me, though.”

“I know.” He swallows and looks at me before reaching over, taking my hand, and kissing it. “I owe you. He can be mad all he wants, but we both know if it had been me almost taking that bullet, he’d be telling you the same damn thing.”
