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“Feeling the love here, Scope.”

He grunts as the door closes before edging closer to me. “She talk to you?”

“A little. I don’t want to break her confidence. She’s planning on talking to you, but you’ve just got to listen to her. I mean, really hear what she’s saying, Scope.”

He stares at me, his eyes boring into mine for answers.

“It’s more than just the club girls. She’s lost. She needs something more than just us. She needs a purpose.”

“You’re saying I should knock her up?”

“What? No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. How the fuck did you get that from what I just said?”

“It’s actually one of your better ideas,” he mutters as if he didn’t hear a word I was saying.

“No, Scope. It’s a terrible idea.”

“We’ve knocked her out before. We could do it again. Remove the birth control, and she’d be none the wiser until she’s pregnant.”

“She’ll kill you.”

“Not if she doesn’t find out.”

“Scope. At least talk to Kaz and Wizz. They should be prepared so they can get started on your funeral arrangements.”

“She can’t leave me.” His voice is rough, as if the words themselves hurt to say.

“Then don’t give her a reason to.”

I turn at the sound of an approaching car and see an SUV pull up. Ryker is on the gate, so I signal him to let the car through. Jinx spots me, so I point to where she can park.

“You find out if she slipped you something yet?”

I roll my eyes. “Sure, I walked right up to her and asked her if she drugged me.” I snort and shake my head. “Doesn’t matter anyway. I’d bet my left nut that she wasn’t involved, and my left one is my favorite.”

“Do I want to know why?”

“It’s the source of all my power.”

“Not why your left nut is your favorite, you dick. Why you don’t think she is involved.”

“Intuition. I think if she wanted something from me, she’d either ask me outright or just take it. Drugging someone isn’t her style. She has too many morals.”

“I drugged Mercy.”

“I rest my case.”

“Word of advice,”—I lean a little closer—“you want Mercy happy, try being nice to Jinx. Mercy seems to really like her.”

“I’m always nice.”

“Oh, my dear delusional friend,” I tut as Jinx climbs out and walks toward us, a wobble in her step. Nerves, perhaps?

“Hi,” she says when she gets to us.

“Jinx, you remember Scope?”

She looks at him and nods. “You’re the president, right?”
